Free Baby and Toddler Nap Guide:
7 Common Napping Mistakes
When your baby won’t nap it’s most frustrating when she’s cranky because of the non-napping, it takes 45 minutes to get a 30-minute nap, or when she refuses to sleep through the night because she’s so overtired come bedtime that she wakes up often at night, unable to settle.
Though there are a few babies who appear to do fine without enough napping, naps are a key component of good night’s sleep, your baby’s development, happy babies, and happy parents. Most of the time, if your baby won’t nap, it can be solved by avoiding some mistakes that many parents make. To obtain your free baby and toddler nap guide, 7 Common Napping Mistakes, please enter your e-mail address below. It’s instantly downloadable and there is no obligation.
FREE Guide:
7 Common Napping Mistakes
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What Parents Are Saying…
I just wanted to say thank you for your free download nap guide. I’m currently sitting in the hallway outside my 16 week-old baby’s room reading it and almost cried with relief when I got to #5. I’ve been driving myself (and probably my poor husband though he’s too sweet to mention it) crazy with trying to get my sweet daughter to sleep longer then 45 minutes max during the day. She’s a great night sleeper, clocking in 7-9 hrs average between feeding, but has recently starting napping for shorter intervals (45 min tops). Despite her being super sweet and not cranky at all, I thought something was wrong with her or me or both until I read your point #5. Thank you again for the free material. As a first time mom I still worry a bit that she’s not getting enough restorative sleep just because I want to do right by her, but knowing that this might just be her “normal” right now has greatly helped this momma’s heart.
– Lynell
Hi Nicole, I’m the mom of a super-energetic 9 month old called William, from Durban, South Africa. Will has never been a great sleeper, right from day one. From about 2 months old we used to drape a cloth over our shoulders to put him to sleep because if this kid could see anything – those little eyes just wouldn’t shut!
Will’s sleeping was up and down and very stressful, and I stumbled on your site one night after driving him around our neighbourhood at 9pm for 20 minutes (and he still woke up when I put him in the cot!)
I signed up for your newsletters and trawled through the articles, gradually putting the pieces together to understand my little boy and his sleeping habits. I started by fixing his schedule, and his day naps became more consistent. Eventually, at 7 months I felt ready for sleep training and in just 2 nights we had him sleeping through, with minimal tears.
I really feel like I understand his little body and mind, and that I was able to address his sleeping holistically. I’m not a hardcore attachment parent, but I do lean that way and I was able to integrate your advice and insight into my own parenting style.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you and your team do. I really believe your support and advice saved me from a slippery slope to depression, as the sleep deprivation was affecting every aspect of my life.
We have such a fun, alert, energetic, curious little boy who has never napped for more than 1.5 hours, but thanks to your schedules and techniques he gets enough sleep in the day and at night to be healthy and happy. As my husband always says, ‘A happy baby = a happy mama’! Once again…Thank you!
– Jess Basson, Durban, South Africa
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. All babies are unique and there is no silver bullet (we wish there were!). Some parents go on to need more help than the free guide provides, but you are under NO obligation to purchase additional materials or services. This e-Book is a good start to solving your baby’s napping problems and there is no cost involved to give it a try.