Knowing where to turn for safe sleep information is challenging! Our family and friends may say to do things one way and have great intentions, but remember that safety recommendations to prevent SIDS (crib death) have changed over time. Always ask your baby’s health care provider for safe sleep information pertaining to your unique baby. Here is a list of safe sleep tips we’ve compiled in an easy-to-read format:
- Put your baby down to sleep on their BACK for the first year of life.
- Talk with your baby’s other caregivers about putting your baby down “Back To Sleep.” About 1 in 5 cases of SIDS occurs when a baby is with one of their caregivers.
- Use a firm sleeping surface, such as a standard crib mattress. Make sure your baby’s sleep space is free of toys, soft bedding, blankets, sheepskin, and comforters. Do not offer a pillow until your baby is at least 18 months old. If a bumper is used, it should be thin and breathable, firm, and securely attached to the crib.
- Give your baby plenty of tummy time when they are awake, to help strengthen their neck muscles.
- When a baby is under 6 months, the safest place they can be is in your room in a bassinet or crib within close reach, but NOT in bed with you. Room-share without bed-sharing is considered the safest sleeping arrangement.
- If another layer is needed on a colder night, use a sleep sack, with no other blankets covering your baby.
- Place your baby’s crib in an area that is always smoke-free, and avoid smoke exposure.
- NEVER sleep with your baby on a sofa, waterbed, or chair, or allow your baby to sleep there.
- Consider offering your baby a pacifier at naptime and bedtime. If you are breastfeeding, wait until your baby is one month old before introducing the pacifier to make sure breastfeeding is established.
- Be sure your baby is not overheated. Use light sleep clothing, and the room should feel comfortable to you. The ideal room temperature is between 68 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 21 degrees Celsius.
These quick tips were meant to be easily digested and were compiled from several sources for your convenience. For more details, you can read more here:
Healthy Children – How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe
AAP Safe Sleep Policies
Pacifier Use and SIDS
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