Would you like to add your story to the list of well-rested voices? Contact us here if you already have a story or click here if you want to make one!
From A Few Bloggers
“I really want to thank The Baby Sleep Site® for being an amazing resource of help, providing comfort and a solution. I have shared the site with many of my friends who have since had babies and are dealing with similar sleep issues. The more you talk about it, the more you realize that most babies have sleep problems! I really wanted to share my personal story with you because I didn’t know there was a solution for me out there, and I hope this may help someone. We have recently transitioned to a toddler bed, and some issues are creeping back up again with our bedtime routines and night wakings. However, I am not worried about losing my mind, because I know exactly where to turn!!”
-Sophie, blogger at (formerly known as) Eenie Meenie Bambini
“When my daughter hit the 10-month mark, I was so sleep deprived I could barely remember my own name. I was spending an average of 8 hours a day rocking her to sleep, and I was starting to feel more than a little sorry for myself. I had tried so many different sleep training techniques and strategies without success, but before I resigned myself to a lifetime without sleep, I decided to reach out to Nicole to see if she could help me. I had already learned so many fabulous tips and tricks from The Baby Sleep Site, and after reading about Nicole’s sleep struggles with her own son, I decided to take the plunge and purchase a personalized sleep plan. And I’m so glad I did. Nicole worked with me to come up with a solution that I was comfortable with, and was on the other end of my computer cheering me on every step of the way.”
–Dani Ryan, Merakilane.com
I’d done a lot of research and The Baby Sleep Site seemed like a good starting place for us. I was nervous and concerned that it would be like all the other recommendations and either impossible to implement or would force us to make changes we weren’t comfortable with doing. With my first log in, I stopped being concerned. The questionnaire we filled out asked questions specific to our situation. We implemented the plan that night and started seeing marked progress right away. In just two weeks, we went from our daughter being up four times a night to just two. Then we successfully moved her wake up time from 5:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. at the earliest. Even after life got in the way and we had some serious challenges, we knew we could always go back to the plan and we did so with success. We know sleep will always be a work in progress with A and we will always have to monitor her sleep and schedule, but knowing we have a plan that works makes us confident. Even when she isn’t feeling well, we can make sure she gets the rest she needs.
Aurora Meyer, aurorameyer.com
I had reached my breaking point when I decided to purchase the Phone Consult Sleep Package from the Baby Sleep Site. I was so excited to start on this sleep training journey and felt like I had just made one of most important investments for us and for our son and we hadn’t even gotten started yet! The questionnaire I filled out was so detailed and I felt like it was designed to really get to know our family life, our son and the issues we wanted to overcome. After speaking with Shaye, our sleep consult over the phone, I knew that sleep training was possible and that she would be there every step of the way. The sleep plan sent to us was so detailed and personalized for our son’s age and personality. In just one week of implementing our sleep plan, our son was sleeping in his crib at night and for longer stretches. In another three weeks, he also mastered napping in his crib instead of in our arms and could put himself to sleep and back to sleep with minimal help from mom or dad! We have checked in a few more times since our initial sleep training for little hiccups along the way and every time, Shaye provides advice and encouragement to keep Portland on a good sleep path. Purchasing a sleep plan was the best thing I have done thus far for my son’s sleep. He is a much happier well rested baby!
Caitlin Oster, Just A Bowl of Cherries
From a Pediatrician
I didn’t want to quit breastfeeding“I am the mother of a one year old that has struggled with sleep. I also happen to be a pediatrician and I recommend this website to all of my families who are struggling with sleep. Based on both professional knowledge and real life experience, I can say that your explanation of how a 4-month old’s sleep changes is right on. My daughter sleeps through the night now – in part thanks to the Baby Sleep Site. I am also a breastfeeding mom and I can’t thank you enough for encouraging us to work through sleep issues without quitting breastfeeding. Thanks Nicole!”
-Dr. Carolyn Nichols, Pediatrician, Long Beach, CA
From a Professional Group
As working parents, we needed realistic advice“Our law firm was thrilled to host Nicole, via Skype, for a session with our parenting affinity group for lawyers. As working parents, we were looking for help, answers and support that was realistic in terms of what our families need and also the daily stresses we face as professionals. Nicole provided a baseline of the range of normal/healthy sleep patterns as well as basic steps to begin to address sleep problems. We all want to be the best parents possible for our children, and Nicole provided great information to help set the stage for naps and bedtimes. She was a wonderful, comforting advisor whose thoughtfulness and poise came through clearly over the internet. Thank you, Nicole, for your help and hope!”
-Maria Minor, PLAY (Parenting, Lawyering and You) Group, Chicago, IL
From Our Parents
Every item on my list was checked off!“I want to give you an update on where we are with our sleep. Headline reads: Lots of success in sleep coaching journey!
When I contacted you back in May, I was so tired. I was being a mean wife. I felt exhausted and desperate and all around crummy. I even called my mom one day in tears saying, “I want to love being a mom so badly, and I just don’t.” It was because no one was sleeping and I was at my wits end.
I’d read two sleep books and dozens of blog posts. I even bought Baby STEPS and scoured The Baby Sleep Site articles. I was just too tired, overwhelmed, and confused by conflicting advice to make a good plan. The sleep plan you put together gave me specific actions, steps and methods to act on, rather than just theory and vague generalizations. Being able to e-mail with follow up questions was wonderful and necessary for me to move ahead with a consistent coaching method.
Now, we are doing so great! Ella responded wonderfully to our sleep plan. She is able to put herself to sleep at night and is only waking 1-2 times per night. Naps are still a work in progress, but overall, SO much better than before.
I was looking through some notes on my phone the other day and stumbled across the list of goals I made when I first contacted you. Every single item was checked off!
- Sleep goals
- Wean swaddle
- Work on drowsy but awake for every nap
- Get on a more consistent sleep schedule
- Sleep longer total amount at night
- Sleep train to fall asleep on own for naps
- Wean pacifier
- Sleep past 5 a.m.
Most importantly, I called my mom the other day and said, with a full heart, “I just love being a mom!”
Thank you so much for helping us get to a good place in our new lives as a family of 3!”
-Liz, Wyoming, USA
I didn’t want to do cry-it-out“Hi Nicole! I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and support in getting our 5 month old little girl to sleep! It had been a long 5 months of her waking up just about every 2 hours at night and we were at our wit’s end. We had even resorted to co-sleeping which worked in the beginning but became worse after a short time. She wouldn’t nap more than 20 minutes or so and was very clingy and needy.
I looked at several other websites and “sleep trainers” but I didn’t want to adhere to a strict cry it out routine. I started working on her naps after reading the guides on your website. She started sleeping a little better within 2 days and started to sleep about 3 hours at a time at night. So, I decided to buy the unlimited emailing for 1 week.
With our first email you had pinned our problem! We started immediately making the recommended changes and within 2 days she was sleeping all night!!! Not only did she sleep better (without resorting to cry-it-out), but she slept in her crib! She still woke of course to eat at around 3 am but we expected that! She is now napping much better and is not as clingy or cranky. She is a happy and rested baby now and so are mom and dad. 🙂 We could not have done it without you and we are so very grateful to have found you. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”
I was nervous I’d feel inadequate and waste money, but was complete opposite“I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that your advice and feedback worked WONDERS! Our little Sammie took a few weeks to adjust (we traveled to Boston to visit family, she got a brutal cold, etc.) but just as you suspected, once that 3rd nap was dropped her naps did a 180! Each of her 2 naps range between 1 hour and 1.5 hours and are happening like clockwork now! She is no longer fighting them (although she may talk to herself for a few minutes before she dozes off but she just has a lot to say I guess. 😉 She seems well rested and is ready to play and chat the day away upon waking up! I think the food portion guide helped as well and now that she’s starting to crawl and stand I think she’s to the point where she’s tiring herself (and mama) out. So THANK YOU again! I’m so happy I made this investment and really appreciate your kind words. I was a little nervous that sleep training was going to leave me feeling inadequate as a mother and like I wasted money, but it was just the opposite; I felt very empowered and felt this was well worth the investment! I’m very grateful that I found this site and was able to e-meet you! Thanks again! Now I’m off to bed myself:)”
-Annie, MN, USA
I was nervous I’d feel inadequate and waste money, but was complete opposite“I feel like I owe you an apology for doubting your mastery in turning an insomniac child into a sleeping angel.
Guess what? He just went to sleep on his own in 5 minutes with hardly any tears at all!! Last night was much better he slept from 7 until 1.30 and when he woke at 4 he managed to go back to sleep on his own after 25 minutes.
It’s interesting that you were saying I was effectively holding him back (in a more polite way of course).
Anyway I just wanted to share an update and say a big thank you. I’ll keep you updated though and if I have another baby I am definitely buying a preventative sleep plan at 4 months to prevent this from happening again!!”
I didn’t want to read the same ‘ol same ‘ol“I tried sleep training when my son was 8 months old and it was horrible. I researched all the sleep training methods before, had bought books on the subject and even attended a sleep training consultation – whose method sounded so terrible to me that I just decided to not even try it. The way your e-Book is put together made all the difference. The way you explained sleep training and your understanding and compassion put it all into perspective for me. I felt like I had finally found someone who actually understood what I was going through! It was like you wrote the book just for me. When I read it, I actually cried from relief. It sounds so cliché, but your help has changed my life. I feel like a new person. I am finally in control of my life again and I feel like I can now be the mother to my child that he deserves. I am still working on the naps, although they are much better already too. So I will remain a loyal reader to your site and refer all my mommy friends to you!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.”
-Charlotte, South Africa, Johannesburg
“My husband and I were coming towards the end of our rope!! Our beautiful son Marcos had trouble STAYING asleep since birth, and after 8 grueling months of waking up as many as 15 times a night, we finally decided we couldn´t take it anymore. Then we found Nicole. She has been a GODSEND to our family, helping us with step by step advice that is well researched, nurturing and proven effective. She gave us a method that worked for our family, and encouraged us to stay the course. Anytime we needed her help throughout the process, she was ALWAYS right there. Our son is sleeping 12 hours a night now, EVERY NIGHT, and takes 3 naps a day, each over an hour long. Before Nicole, we were lucky if we got 20 minutes!! We cannot EVER thank her enough for her professionalism, knowledge and compassion. Don´t think about this twice, reach out to Nicole….YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE!”
-Carolina, Juan and Baby Marcos, Norwalk, Connecticut
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
We have a lot going on right now, and there’s no way I was going to manage it all on so little sleep!“Hi Nicole, I just wanted to say thank you SOOOO much!!! I never thought we could accomplish so much in such a short time, especially given that we are all stuck sleeping in the same room, and that we have a fair bit of chaos as the move draws closer. But we’ve settled into a great pattern! My son is reliably falling asleep on his own between 7-7:30pm, waking once to eat between 2:30-3:30, and sleeping until 6:30-7:30am now. For the past couple nights, he nursed and went right back to sleep, but last night he was wide awake after nursing. I had this ‘oh no!’ reaction, but we just put him in his crib, sang the lullaby twice, and left it at that. He babbled and kicked around for a few minutes, but fell back to sleep on his own. What a victory! I’m okay with one feeding per night and he can fall back to sleep without our help!
I feel really confident about our routines, and I think we have lots of good strategies for any problems that arise in the future.
I really, really appreciate your help! We have a lot going on right now, and there’s no way I was going to manage it all on so little sleep! I’ve recommended the site to a friend who is struggling with her toddler!
All the best!”
-Sara, Germany
I read numerous books, talked with many people including his pediatrician but no one could help me.“When I met Nicole my son was 16 months old. I tried to have my son “cry it out” 3 different times. It just wasn’t working! He was an extremely colicky baby and had a lot of health issues so I held him all the time. He would only nap with me holding him and would start off in his crib at night but would wake up about 6 or 7 times before midnight. I read numerous books, talked with many people including his pediatrician but no one could help me. I was at my wits end and it was affecting all aspects of my life. My husband found Nicole. She has changed our lives! She created a plan that started working within 2 days. She knew exactly what I was going through. All those months I felt so alone but not after working with Nicole. She was in tuned with me and my son. I learned so much from her not only about sleep habits but also temperaments. I started to realize my son is a spirited boy but I didn’t know how much that affected his sleep.
I needed a different approach and Nicole developed it to a tee! I can’t begin to tell you how grateful my husband and I are for her! My son transitioned to 1 nap (in the crib) and sleeps 12 hours at night (in the crib). He wakes up occasionally but soothes himself back to sleep. He even wakes up happy now not crying! I feel much better knowing I can contact Nicole for advice for years to come. Her sleep consulting packages are very affordable and her website has so much good information. She has a wealth of knowledge and is willing to share it. We can’t thank you enough Nicole! You are such a blessing!”
-Emily, Rancho Cordova, CA
I needed a custom solution for my twins“Nicole’s online consultations were so helpful! As the mother of twin girls, I knew I was in need of help after a weekend away at my in-laws with many wake-up calls from the babies. I didn’t know what the problem was. Maybe one baby was dropping her binky which was making her cry, and in turn, waking the other? Maybe one was hungry? Maybe, even at five months, they were already manipulating me and just wanting to hang out?! The great thing about Nicole’s email consultation service is that you can send her an email at any hour. (And with twins, it will most likely be the wee hours of morning!) Nicole responded promptly and her responses were tailored to my specific needs. Best of all, her prices were really reasonable. They are now 22 months old and sleep 11 hours a night EVERY night! I would highly recommend Nicole’s service if you are in need of some personalized sleep help for your twins!”
-Jen, Mother of 5 Month Old Twin Girls, New York, NY
We are better parents“I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and hard work. My husband and I can’t imagine what we would have done without you and the Baby Sleep Site. The information, guidance and support you provided helped us get our lives back on track after 6 months of walking around like sleep deprived zombies. I only wish we sucked it up and contacted you guys sooner!!! Moira is a much happier baby, and my husband and I feel as though we are better parents because we have more energy and enthusiasm when interacting with her throughout the day. We also are able to reconnect as a couple because the baby is in bed at 7pm and we have time to relax, watch a movie, or just talk before bed… something that we couldn’t do for 6 months!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will absolutely recommend the Baby Sleep Site to every new mom I know and I am so glad that there are people like you who are able to help families like us!”
-Zoe, MD, USA
I hesitated to ask for ‘non-free’ help“Querida Nicole, yo dudé muchas veces antes de pedir sus servicios pagados de consultoría, pero supongo que las noches sin dormir y las discusiones que he tenido con mi esposo fueron una buena motivación para escribirte. Soy una madre primeriza y luché durante 11 largos meses con los problemas de sueño de mi hijo. Hasta que la encontré y, después de seguir sus consejos al pie de la letra durante 4 noches ¡¡¡MI HIJO DURMIO TODA LA NOCHE!! Ahora recomiendo su página web a todas las mamás que conozco. Me siento muy bien acerca de haber seguido sus consejos y de haberle enseñado a mi hijo lo fácil que es dormir por su cuenta. Estoy tan feliz de saber que he superado este reto, sobre todo porque mi hijo también se está beneficiando. Ahora estoy embarazada, de nuevo, y planeo guardar las dos consultas vía e-mail que compré, por si acaso (aunque espero no tener que usarlos!). Le agradezco sinceramente y le deseo lo mejor con su negocio. ¡Qué gran manera de ganarse la vida: ayudando a los padres con un tema tan delicado e importante como el sueño de su bebé. Le deseo muchos éxitos y le garantizo que tiene un cliente de Guatemala muy satisfecho que la recomendará a todos los padres que puedan necesitar su consejo. Todo lo mejor para usted, su esposo y sus 2 encantadores hijos.
English Translation:
Dear Nicole, I was hesitant to ask for your ‘non-free’ help but I guess sleepless nights and the many discussions with my husband were a good motivator to write you. I am a first-time mom and struggled for 11 long months with my son’s sleep. I finally reached out to you and followed your advice 100%, and after four nights he was SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! Now I recommend your site to all the moms I meet. I feel so good about finally committing to your advice and about teaching my son that it’s a great thing to go to sleep on your own. I am so happy to know that I overcame this challenge and that my son is also benefiting from it. I am now pregnant, again, and plan to save my remaining two e-mail consultations, just in case (but hope I don’t have to use them!). I sincerely thank you and wish you the best with your business. What a great way to earn a living: by helping parents with such a delicate and important topic such as baby sleep. I wish you many successes and I guarantee you have one very satisfied customer from Guatemala who will recommend you to every parent I think might need your advice. All the best to you, your husband and your 2 lovely sons.”
-Marisa, Guatemala
I didn’t think a website could help my individual caseA friend sent me the link to Nicole’s website in January when my then 7 month old was keeping me up all night, every night. We were cosleeping at the time – when I had returned to work when our baby was 4 months old it seemed like the best way for all of us to get some rest – so instead of sitting up in the rocker every other hour I just took the baby to bed with me at his first wake up (which then was an hour after going to sleep.) At the time I thought lying down was better than sitting up. Three months and almost no sleep later (our baby nursed and tossed and turned all night long) I knew something needed to be changed, but I felt lost amidst the extremes on either end of the sleep advice spectrum. I didn’t think I could let my baby cry but I also knew I wasn’t made for cosleeping much longer. So while I was home sick after a weekend away with the baby I decided to click on the link. My first inclination was that a website wouldn’t be able to help my individual case. What I didn’t know was that the woman behind the website was an extremely skilled, knowledgeable, savvy, sensitive and kind sleep expert. I soon learned that I had stumbled across the only thing that would end up working for us.
Nicole’s promises seemed almost too good to be true, but when I saw her 100% satisfaction, money back guarantee, I purchased a package of emails without another thought. Nicole asked for our sleep history and what I had previously tried, and said I would have a reply within 48 hours. I was so anxious for her reply I must have checked my email every few minutes for what felt like the next two days. When I thought the 48 hours had passed I sent a very cranky email to Nicole. To my delight, she replied right away, and very kindly explained that the time frame had not yet elapsed and that I’d have a sleep plan soon. And I did. I started using her advice right away and to my surprise my baby responded extremely well – but more travel and a death in the family delayed my ability to stay focused. About two months later, with all scheduled travel over and done with, I decided to start again. I now had a baby who still woke up every hour or so but who had totally new challenges: now he could sit and stand up by himself. I thought for sure this would make sleep training impossible, but I was wrong. I followed Nicole’s advice, learning the hard way that the most important key is consistency – and our baby responded beautifully. I also learned that most of my anxiety, the thing that got in the way most often, was my own feelings about sleep and about leaving my baby alone for brief periods of time – and not in fact the ways my baby was responding to the sleep training. I started the process with a 9 month old who slept in my bed and who woke up every 1-2 hours. Three weeks later I had a baby who goes down in his crib awake, does not cry as he goes to sleep, who STAYS in his crib all night, and who generally only has one night waking. The thing that was the most amazing to me however, was that – despite having a full time job and a family of her own, Nicole was there for me every step of the way, answering all of my emails and my fears and my questions. Knowing that there would be an email in my inbox before the end of the day made me be able to not give up. I still don’t know how she does it but I am so so incredibly glad that she does! It is like she can see into my home and sense not only my baby’s temperament but mine as well in order to come up with a plan that would work. And I had listened to every single one of her teleseminars, so it was often as though I could hear her voice cheering me on. I can safely say that it was Nicole who helped me and my family leap over the sleep hurdle. The sleep books all made me feel like a failure. Nicole showed me that I possessed the skills for success and that so did my baby. And, in the process of interaction with Nicole I learned a vital if not the most important parenting lesson: that sometimes there are growing pains, but if you stay focused on what you want your child to learn and guide him lovingly, temporary difficulty gets replaced with long term success. I know I will have to employ that concept again and again as I raise my boy – and I am so very grateful to Nicole for encouraging me to push myself to be the best parent I can be. Thank you Nicole!!
P.S.: when I think about baby #2 I now know without a doubt that I will know what to do, and what not to do, for good sleep WAY before the 9 month mark! 🙂
-Susannah, Brooklyn, NY
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
I was exhausted and confused from all the literature out there“Hi Nicole, I owe you such a huge thank you for everything you have done for our son and our family. My unlimited e-mail subscription expired on Dec. 15 and with the hectic holidays, I kept meaning to write you a message but of course, it slipped my mind one too many times. Let me first say that the first year of my son’s life was very stressful due to many factors – I was in a foreign country away from any and all family to help me, I suffered from PPD, I worked full-time from home, and I had a son that refused to sleep and/or go to sleep without lots of intervention. He is the absolute light of our lives, but when it came to sleeping, I had an unbelievable amount of anxiety each time a nap and bed time approached.
I (like many others) was exhausted and confused from all the literature out there on how to sleep train babies. There is WAY too much to read through and absolutely no way to determine what is best for your child than simply by trial and error. You seemed to understand every nuance of our issues however, and came up with a plan for how to help our son learn to fall asleep on his own that involved very little crying and/or suffering for all of us. It was a commitment that I was determined to see through, but without knowing you were just an email away the whole time, I simply couldn’t have done it. I had so many questions and you were there to answer each and every one with helpful suggestions and supportive words. To be honest, you felt like a mom I didn’t have to help me through.
My now 1-year-old son goes to sleep on his own for each and every nap, and at nighttime. We are able to spend some quality time with him before bed and then lay him down with a simple “night, night!” It goes so smoothly most of the time that I still can’t believe we have come this far. I’m sure there will be other bumps along our road, but knowing you are there for whenever I need assistance – and are able to provide positive, supportive words of wisdom – makes me much less afraid of things that may arise.
I can’t thank you enough – really, I can’t. I will refer everyone and anyone I know to you when they have sleep issues with their children – you are the sleep guru in my eyes. Thanks a million!”
-Rachel, Leksand, Sweden
As a first time mum, I thought the only way was cry it out“Hi Nicole, It’s been awhile since I updated you and I wanted to tell you a few weeks after starting the plan, we were still a working progress, but with so much improvement. We would start the bedtime routine at 6:30 and he slept at 7. But, sometimes when tired he actually walks toward the bedroom door and calls me, which still shocks us. One night, he decided that 6:10 was the time to go to bed and decided we were only reading two books and he was fast asleep by 6:30! Not long after that, he started sleeping through the night. I weaned him shortly after that, which went surprisingly easy. He was OK with just a cuddle. It has all been amazing. He got chicken pox just before Christmas and woke once the first night but slept through the night after that. We also went to the cabin for Christmas and only got back a few days ago and with the change he still slept through. It’s unreal! We read on our bed then sing and chat a bit mostly me about the day 🙂 then I ask if he’s ready for his bed and he literary jumps up. He loves his crib. When we got back from our trip, he ran to his room and wanted to get into his crib. That’s how much he loves it and it’s all due to the training. We love mornings. He gives hugs and kisses and we usually bring him to our bed for a little while where we get a story. We assume it’s about his dream, it’s usually long and funny then we all have to wake up and follow him. We have you to thank for this. You have truly changed our lives. Bed routine and morning are family bonding time. My husband works long hours and really loves that time. He rushes back for story time. Cian now sleeps at the latest 7:30 and wakes at 6:30 or sometimes 7. Thank you so much for your help. You have no idea how much you’ve helped. I love seeing Cian so happy and rested. Sleep changes everything for the best and I want people to know there is a way of training kids that doesn’t involve crying. As a first time mum I thought that was the only way and it felt wrong to me plus the time we tried, I cried more. He didn’t take to it either and I’m so glad I found you. It was more stressful trying all other ways and your way was the most relaxed, comfortable and felt soo normal to me. It’s a positive way that made Cian comfortable with his room and crib. Thank you.”
-Sarah, Toronto, ON, Canada
I already paid for and was disappointed by three different services and didn’t want to be disappointed againAfter reading every “no cry” book out there, and to no avail, I began scouring the internet looking for sleep help. Only after I paid for and was disappointed by three different services, did I find Nicole and I decided that The Baby Sleep Site was the place for my baby and me. I really appreciate Nicole’s approach, and I would call it much more flexible and “baby friendly” than other consultants (who will remain nameless). I have received peace of mind, encouragement, and praise time and time again. Nicole goes above and beyond what is required, and with a very personalized and compassionate approach.
My son is nine months old now, and unfortunately, his sleep is far from perfect. In fact, I often feel as if my baby’s case may be one of Nicole’s all-time toughest. It sure feels that way sometimes! But we have made great progress, and I know that together we will keep moving ahead. Most importantly, I know that my “lost and alone in sleep deprivation” feelings will fade with a few kind and knowledgeable typed words from a mom who has been there and who really does care. Thank you for everything Nicole!
-Debbye, Lake Arrowhead, CA
Our daughter has had sleep problems for so long“I wish I could just have you in front of me so that I can hug you!!! My daughter has always been a terrible sleeper, she is now 2.5 years old and was getting worse by the minute. Yes she’s 2.5, I haven’t slept since she was born. I got rid of the crib when she was about 20 months thinking that getting her a toddler bed would help her sleep, then after her second birthday we got her a new bedroom set with a big girls bed. We just thought that she would grow out of it, so every night was a constant battle with her. So my husband and I would bring her into our bed, so we could at least get a few hours of sleep. To make a very long story short, I purchased your book on Monday, and yesterday (2 days later) I decided to go cold turkey. No more sleep props, we got rid of the pacifier. I told her that her friend was a baby and she didn’t have any so we had to give them to her.
I bathed her at 7:30pm and after our ‘new bedtime routine’ I put her to bed at 8:15pm. It took her a while but after 30 minutes she was sleeping, I was in complete shock. My husband looked at me and tells me, so now what do we do??? Imagine she had always gone to sleep at the time we would go to bed, at around 10:30 or 11:00. I just told him, ‘I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I’m going to catch up on my sleep!’
She woke up at 11:00pm, full of energy and asking me if we could go outside, but I repeated the same steps. And after awhile she was sound asleep. And slept until 8:00am, alone in her bed.
I am so thankful for your book…we will continue our routine everyday and I’ll keep you posted, but I just had to let people know that even after one day after you read the book, you’ll feel much more confident in tackling our child’s sleep issues.
-Isis and Mike, Miami, FL
“Hi Nicole,
I just wanted to thank you for all the advice you sent my way. Matthew is now fully night-weaned and life in our house is very different. The day after he slept through the night the first time he suddenly emerged as an intelligent, adorable, independent little boy. This is a far cry from the clingy, needy person he was just 4 days ago. You made a huge difference in my life – thank you so very much.”
-Tanja, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“You know, in China, sleeping training is rarely known, and it’s very common that babies/toddlers have less than 11 hrs night sleep and a very late bedtime. Most parents think their baby’s sleep is good as long as their babies don’t have a night waking. Their bedtimes are always late, even at 10pm, 11pm…and 99% of the family are co-sleep. I feel so lucky that I found your website and got your help. Your knowledge, patience, and encouragement really helped me a lot! You know, I spent almost my one month salary, but it’s really worthwhile! It’s still unbelievable that my son is now having a solid night sleep for 11-12 hrs when he used to have 6-7 night wakings with 2 hrs play at midnight one month ago! I also like your free articles very much, content for sure, and the feeling is always very friendly and warm! Thanks again for your help and support for 3 weeks! He had great improvement on night sleep (11-12 hrs) and early morning waking, which is most important to me and the whole family!”
-Tiffany, China
“It has been a very long time since I wrote you…and I have no questions! I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. My twins are GREAT sleepers now and I could have never gotten them to that point without you. I was just telling a friend about your site and how helpful you were so I thought I might as well tell you too. 🙂
I use to cry when it was naptime because it was such a battle and now they go down with no problem. All I have to do it lay them down and they do the rest. My son use to cry for hours at bedtime because he wanted to be rocked to sleep but would wake up the second you tried to lay him down, and now he puts himself to sleep like a pro. And they both are sleeping all night long! After 10.5 months of getting up every hour for one of the twins or both I never thought I would sleep again, but thanks to you I have been getting more sleep then I ever dreamed of.
I just wanted you to know how much you helped this mother of twins! Now if we can only survive the time change this week. haha I’ve never had to worry about the time change because this is the first time change that my twins actually slept longer then one or two hours at a time. 🙂
Thanks again!!!”
-Sarah, Oklahoma
“Hello! I purchased a personalized sleep plan several months ago, and I am pleased to say that my daughter and I are finally getting the sleep we need. My daughter, Mina, was waking several times a night (4-16+ times), sometimes staying up for 2-4 hours in the middle of the night, and taking naps erratically or not at all. In addition to the sleep issues, my daughter has the following conditions: congenital torticollis, GERD, a sensory processing disorder, food allergies and attends weekly physical and occupational therapy visits. So needless to say, we had a challenging problem that we presented to you and your staff. After reading and implementing several (and I do mean several!) of the leading “sleep training” books, we still were not any closer to resolving our sleep issues, and you were my last hope. It definitely wasn’t a quick fix, but after 2 1/2 months (due to our request of a cry-it-out-free method), my thirteen-month-old daughter is sleeping through the night only waking during periods of teething. She takes two hour and a half naps, and we are presently transitioning to one longer afternoon nap, which is working out pretty well. Mina no longer needs to nurse to fall asleep, and babysitters can now put her down for a nap. This means I can return to work soon, which is a huge milestone in our little journey. Again, I just wanted to thank you, getting Mina to sleep soundly has dramatically improved her disposition and has allowed her to be more successful in therapy. We are a happier, well-rested family because of your sleep site! Thank You!”
-Mina and Stephanie, Plainfield, IL
After talking to Drs. Weissbluth and Ferber, I would recommend The Baby Sleep Site in a heartbeat!
“After a consult with Dr. Weissbluth and email exchanges with Dr. Ferber, I found Nicole. It was refreshing to talk to Nicole because she had been through EXACTLY what I am going through and she is a mother herself. Her kindness and compassion was evident with every email exchange and as a mother of 3, yes 3, troubled sleepers, I would recommend her services in a heartbeat!”
-Anita, Charlottesville, VA
“When my son Anthony’s sleep turned upside down at about 4 months I thought it was just a phase that would pass, but as time and sleepless nights passed I realized things weren’t going to change on their own. Every day I visited the web and googled about sleep and every day I came across Nicole’s website. I was intrigued, but sleep deprived and worried my desperation would lead me to spending money on some ‘crack pot’. But every day I came back to Nicole’s website and one day I decided to take the plunge and purchase a package.
I was so relieved to discover that there was a real, knowledgeable person behind the website. Nicole was willing to create a plan for Anthony in a way that followed my parenting style. Once I implemented the plan and stuck with it consistently, Anthony’s sleep improved! I don’t know what I would have done without Nicole!
Thanks Nicole!”
-Jennifer, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
Our son had already cried 1:30 a.m. to daybreak. I would never have believed that by the end of the 30 days, I would have only small issues to handle.“Our son was 9 months old (who had been a decent sleeper until he got some back-to-back respiratory viruses between 4 and 6 months old) when I came across Nicole’s website. At that point, I had been, for about 3 months, holding him almost all night, every night, in a glider chair.
At the advice of our pediatrician’s office and of numerous books, we tried variations on the Ferber Method and other check and console and “cry it out” methods. We had many nights, with us either coming and going every 10 minutes or just constantly in the room, where he cried – without stopping – for four hours or more and never went to sleep. One night, he cried from 1:30 a.m. until daybreak (even with us coming in and shh-ing and patting) and never stopped and never fell asleep. At that point, I could not take any more and just went back to holding him in a chair all night long.
We read all sorts of articles, books and websites and talked to our doctors’ office. We tried numerous suggestions in the books. People told us to just shut the door at 7 p.m., to turn off all monitors and to not come back until morning. I was not willing to/capable of doing that and, we knew from past experience, that our son could – and probably would – cry all night long and never go to sleep.
Somehow, in a last-ditch internet search, I came upon Nicole’s website. What impressed me about Nicole’s articles and postings was that she really did seem to understand that it sometimes takes a very individualized, non-“textbook” approach to deal with sleep problems. She listened to the specific problems of the families and babies and came up with a very specific, individualized plan for each. So, we decided to give the 30-day subscription a try.
Nicole responded to us on the very first night and proposed a detailed plan to try to re-teach our son how to go to sleep and to stay asleep on his own. Progress came in fits and starts but, as had not been the case with anything else we had been doing, progress DID come. A little less than 2 weeks into the process, I found myself writing to Nicole to report that our son had slept almost 9 hours in his crib without crying and without needing us to help him back to sleep when he had brief wake-ups during the night. By the end of the 30 days, he was consistently putting himself to sleep, without crying, at the outset of the night. He is also putting himself back to sleep when he wakes up during the night.
I would never have believed, upon my first e-mail to Nicole, that by the end of the 30 days, I would have only small issues to handle. I also know that if we need it, Nicole will continue to provide her considered, thoughtful advice and encouragement. I highly recommend this website and Nicole’s services. We are very thankful to have finally found someone who took the time to really consider our baby’s specific issues and problems and to come up with a plan to help us turn things around in a way that worked best for us and for him. Thank you so much!!”
-Lee Ann
“Hi Nicole,
When I bought your book and contacted you for a consultation, my 6-month old was waking up every 2 hours all night. My daughter is a doll and my entire world, but I started having some really down days and down moments where I felt like I seriously would never sleep again. After putting your advice to work, it was a really rough first night, but since night 2 she has SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! I COULDNT BELIEVE IT!!!!!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help. I found your E-book so helpful and practical… The way that you explain things really makes sense and I appreciate it so much because I have read many sleep books and I don’t find them anywhere near as logical and straightforward as yours. And beyond that, my daughter being able to sleep at night has given me so much more freedom already, and my husband and I have actually had time for our relationship again since then. So you have truly helped move my life into a very positive direction. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!”
-Kate, Victoria, British Columbia Canada
“”I purchased your book and it helped a great deal. Our daughter is sleeping well through the night – that actually wasn’t our problem. Nap time was the issue and I was beside myself with anguish over it. Your book was great and your email responses were very helpful. We even took a trip to California and back and the napping routine remained fairly consistent. She falls asleep on her own now without fussing and is sleeping 3-4 hours during the day and 11-12 hours at night. Thank you so much!”
-Heather and Jay, Washington, D.C.
“I have contacted you several times over the course of 10 months off and on about my daughter’s sleep. Once we’d get one problem tackled, a new one would crop up. Now that my daughter is over a year old, I felt it was time to night-wean. Upon your advice, after a difficult week of encouraging her to go without that 5:30am feeding, my daughter has now been sleeping 11 hours for 3 1/2 weeks!! And I couldn’t have done it without your help. It’s so nice to have someone I can turn to in the thick of it to listen without judgment, to offer sound advice without patronizing, and all from a place of compassion, understanding, and a genuine sense of concern. Thank you so much!”
-Gina, Colorado
“Hi Nicole, I’m the mom of a super-energetic 9 month old called William, from Durban, South Africa. Will has never been a great sleeper, right from day one. From about 2 months old we used to drape a cloth over our shoulders to put him to sleep because if this kid could see anything – those little eyes just wouldn’t shut!
Will’s sleeping was up and down and very stressful, and I stumbled on your site one night after driving him around our neighbourhood at 9pm for 20 minutes (and he still woke up when I put him in the cot!)
I signed up for your newsletters and trawled through the articles, gradually putting the pieces together to understand my little boy and his sleeping habits. I started by fixing his schedule, and his day naps became more consistent. Eventually, at 7 months I felt ready for sleep training and in just 2 nights we had him sleeping through, with minimal tears.
I really feel like I understand his little body and mind, and that I was able to address his sleeping holistically. I’m not a hardcore attachment parent, but I do lean that way and I was able to integrate your advice and insight into my own parenting style.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you and your team do. I really believe your support and advice saved me from a slippery slope to depression, as the sleep deprivation was affecting every aspect of my life.
We have such a fun, alert, energetic, curious little boy who has never napped for more than 1.5 hours, but thanks to your schedules and techniques he gets enough sleep in the day and at night to be healthy and happy. As my husband always says, ‘A happy baby = a happy mama’! Once again…Thank you!”
-Jess Basson, Durban, South Africa
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“I just wanted to write a few words to say thank you for a most wonderful service. As you can well imagine, I was at my wits end. Six months into being a first time mum, moving continents and a baby that no matter what, resisted sleep. It was a bit of a joke amongst some of my mummy friends how Tyler was such a poor sleeper. I often heard, ‘I thought mine was bad, but not this! I can’t believed he’s been up all day and won’t sleep.’ Yep, and then he wouldn’t sleep at night time either. When he did, he woke up multiple times.
I accepted that my own sleep was going to be few and far between once I had a newborn, and I knew that moving to a new country with a 3 month old was going to be challenging. I just wasn’t prepared for the toll that it really took.
Once we got settled into our new house, Tyler was 6 months old and we were now ready to have him sleep in his crib, in his own room. Apparently, he wasn’t.
I scoured the internet for information, yes, I had a bedtime routine, yes we were consistent, but things were just getting worse and worse and I really felt like Tyler was suffering. I believe that sleep is so important for their development and Tyler wasn’t getting anywhere near what he needed. He was grumpy and his happy mood started to change for the worse.
I can’t convey how bad things had become, surviving on such little sleep for such a long time. Nor how challenging Tyler had really become. One day I cried, and cried, and cried. It just all got too much. I waited for my husband to get home from work and literally begged him to sign us up to this website. I was of course skeptical to be parting with money for advice on line, but with SO many positive testimonials, it had to work, surely? Not only that, but I sensed a real empathy and compassion from reading Nicole’s pages and newsletter, that I just felt that this was going to work for us. And, I knew that I had it in me to stick to a schedule. I just needed some pointers and support.
I typed out the questionnaire and ticked ‘yes’ to the box that asked if the website may use any quotes/funny anecdotes. Funny? Me? My sense of humour had left me a long time ago, I didn’t find much else funny either. I loved my son, but things were dismal. My relationship with my husband became strained too.
I felt better, just emptying my mind of all the issues and putting them into an email to get some feedback. From that moment I started to feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. And there was, an email from Amber, like a ray of light.
The sleep schedule was detailed, provide insight and options, room for tweaking to suit our needs as well as Tyler’s. Amber even preempted what Tyler may do in response to the plan. I knew what he would do. But how did she? How could someone who has never met my son know him so well? I couldn’t read it quick enough. Not only was it informative and clear, but it was positive and encouraging. All the things I needed to get me kick started.
Tyler responded to the routine really well. I genuinely don’t recall how quick he took to his schedule, but I do remember that by about 4 days in we had seen a significant change. My baby was actually taking naps in the day and sleeping better at night! No, it wasn’t perfect and he tested me with the routine. But he picked it up so quickly. Not long after that, Tyler slept through the night. I laid awake from 4am wondering if he was okay, the baby monitor was working…… but there was no sound, no flashing of lights…. Of course he was fast asleep and enjoying his crib!
Tyler doesn’t sleep through the night every night, but in the main he does. If he does wake we know exactly what to do, and so does he. He’s nine months now and cutting another set of teeth, so we are on a new schedule and accepting that his sleep may be affected. Everything about our family is different now and I am starting to feel like my old self. I don’t for a minute think our help here is done! We just weren’t blessed that way.
So Amber and the team; Thank you for a most wonderful service. Your patience, humour and advice has been second to none and worth every penny. I have no reservation in recommending your service and have done already a number of times. This is merely ‘au revoir’ as we shall no doubt be in contact with you again soon….. Hopefully not too soon!”
-The Collisons, Minot, ND
“Hi Nicole, Thank you for your personalised sleep plan, we received about a month ago, after check and console hadn’t worked for our family. It really helped me get through what was a very dark and horrible time. I saw no way out of the problem and you provided the solution and gave me the hand I needed to find my strength to do the sleep training. It was VERY hard at first because I really was just a shell trying to cope but I had to try and with the personalised sleep plan tailored just for us, I knew it would get better and better. I recently saw your comments on the Super Nanny’s method of not consoling the child and I know you’re right! I tried it and it really did more harm than good to ME. Because it meant I didn’t have the strength to do it again the next night or even again at the next check, because the time before was so hard and heart breaking. I heard her cry change to be totally heart breaking when I didn’t say anything or look at her. So I only did that once and thought ‘well, I don’t care if that method is supposed to work, that is not a cry I want to hear again.’ Your method was much better for both of us. It took 2.5 hours the first night but not a lot of crying and that meant that when I did do the check-n-console method again two weeks later, she took to it much better. So thank you for helping us! I really appreciate it. Then, after 6 nights of check n console she was waking just once a night and after 3 weeks she started sleeping all night! Naps were harder like you said, but after 3 1/2 weeks, she is now sleeping 3 1/2 hours during the day as well. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR ADVICE. Getting the newsletters and knowing that I had the option to come back to you for more advice or help was so comforting. It really helped me knowing that help wasn’t far away. Life is good now and even though my husband and I still fall into a heap into bed at 9.30pm, we now eat dinner as a family, we now have alone time when both the kids are asleep AND we have the energy to stay up with each other, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU! I have told all our friends about your website and that even though it’s online and via email, it still doesn’t feel like your far away or take too long for you to get back to me.”
-The Matsons, Queensland, Australia
“Hi Nicole,
I’ve been meaning to email you to say THANK YOU. I joined your Members Area and went to one of your weekly online chats. I applied the suggestions you gave me and it’s working beautifully! I can’t believe that such a simple change made a huge difference in my baby’s mood. His crying has diminished to almost zero and that’s a relief that has no prize. Even better, when I put him down for his naps he turns with a happy smile on his face. That’s so wonderful. I don’t have the anguish or stress associated with his naps, thanks to your simple, but amazingly effective advice.
I also wanted to share that we’re not co-sleeping anymore and it went way better than expected. I was committed to the plan you help me put together but there was no need to follow the plan as he did awesome from day one. There is zero crying and he’s waking for 1-2 feedings instead of the 3-4 times when we were sleeping together. It took me more time to adjust than it did to him! The first few nights I was up almost all night anticipating the usual awakenings that never happened.
Thank you for encouraging me in taking this step towards a better rested family. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
-Margarita, Pensacola, FL
“I am so grateful for all of your help so far. My little guy struggled with sleep right from day one and not only was I exhausted as every new parent is, but I was also battling post-partum depression. I had heard about this sleep expert in my city, and everyone told me to consult with her. She is a purely cry-it-out person. I felt so desperate and out of touch with myself, that I ended up following her advice rather than listening to my gut instincts. I let my little one cry-it-out because I didn’t even realize there was any other option. She told me that when my baby weighed 12 pounds (at around 3 months) he could sleep for 12 hours without needing to eat, and that I should just let him cry when he woke at 5 am to eat. I tried this a couple of times. It was awful, and he never started sleeping longer. I felt so badly that he was starving and couldn’t comfortably go longer than ten hours without food, but in the vulnerable state I was in, I took this woman’s advice. She set such high expectations, so I set them high as well. I feel I was so hard on my little guy when he was just so small based on advice that an apparent “expert” was giving me. I have really worked on my guilt around this, but I still feel badly and it is a work in progress.
After learning what I have learned from you and having you work with me based on my parenting philosophy, I feel like I have totally been able to accept my baby for who he is and how he sleeps more than I ever could before. I hate that I set the bar so high. I just wish I had found you when my baby was one month old. I guess I just needed someone to help me trust myself and see that I am a really excellent mother no matter what.
I know that part of my problem has been to ask the expert rather than first exploring what feels right for me. It was so refreshing when I sent you my information before you made my sleep plan because you were asking questions that truly mattered to both my husband and I. You wanted to know what I wanted, and that made me feel like I was capable of guiding this process with your help. I have thought a lot about you and your approach to everything, and it just feels so humanistic and loving. Your approach has made me feel like I am not alone in any of this, and your love and passion to help people with their little ones’ sleep comes through loud and clear. From the moment we started working together, I felt as though there was nothing wrong with me and there was nothing wrong with my baby either. So, I guess I want to say thank-you. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I hope that everyone out there who needs help finds you…and finds you sooner than I did.”
“I am a mother who nursed my daughter on demand until she was 14 months old. She also co-slept with my husband and I. She was the type of child who would wake as many as 15 times per night and need to find and touch me to fall back asleep. We were not interested in the ‘cry-it-out’ method. At the end of our stings, we were lucky enough to find babysleepsite.com and get a customized sleep plan from Nicole. Let me say this…after 9 days, my daughter is sleeping ALONE in her crib the ENTIRE night without assistance. It only takes me 5-8 minutes to put her to sleep and she sleeps for 10-11 hours! I am so thankful for your kind support. You made both my husband and I feel understood and welcomed to ask any and all questions. Without you….ugh, let’s not think about where we would be! Thanks again, your help was unbelievable!”
-Wendy & Brian M., Burlington, VT
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“After seven months of co-sleeping with our son, Nahuelquir, I was thoroughly exhausted and at my wits end. He was waking up to 8 times a night and needed to breastfeed to go back to sleep. It wasn’t working for any of us. All the books I read seemed to offer these miracle sleep solutions that would change our life in just 5 days. We tried them all but saw no improvement and our little one was clearly suffering. In my desperate search for answers, I found Nicole and she had a philosophy I could totally relate to. I knew I wasn’t some hard core ‘cry it out’ mom but something had to change. When I reached out to Nicole, she responded with a very detailed, realistic plan that would help us transition Nahuel from our bed to his crib. It took time and hard work but it really worked in a way that was appropriate for our son’s specific needs. A few months later Nicole created a new plan for Nahuel to wean him from night weaning. With her help, we had the confidence and know-how to teach our little one to sleep on his own. Nahuel went from going to bed with me at 10 pm, waking 5-8 times a night to falling asleep in his crib at 7 pm and sleeping for 9-10 hours straight. It didn’t happen overnight but thanks to Nicole, it really did happen!!”
-The Casares Family, Los Angeles, CA
“Hi Nicole,
You do not need to respond to this email as this is simply a thank you. I feel so much better having you as a sounding board and helping me through some very difficult sleep transitions. I appreciate your advice, but most importantly with this last email, I appreciate your empathy. I really just needed someone outside of my family to tell me everything would be alright.I have utilized your site twice now and each time you have successfully helped my son be a better sleeper. My husband and I are grateful to you. I have recommended this site to many friends and will continue to do so.
Take care and don’t be surprised if you hear from me again in the future!
-Lauren, New Jersey
“Hi Nicole,
Just wanted to give you a further update that things are still going really well. With your help we were able to get Maisy on a daytime routine that I now modify and adjust based on her everchanging needs. It has added some much needed structure to her days and she now gets 3 solid naps and about 11 hours of continuous sleep at night. I feel like there is so much information out there that it is hard to consolidate into a ‘plan’ for your unique child. Your guidance really helped us figure out what was best for us.Thanks again,
-Kate, Boston, MA
“Like the many parents out there with a new baby, I was sleep deprived and working full time. When my son turned 4 months, I decided to sleep train him. I used all methods, No Cry Sleep Solution, Baby Whisperer, Good Night Sleep tight… you name it, I bought it and read it. Nothing worked. Desperate and sleep deprived for so long, I researched the internet and found The Baby Sleep Site. At first I read her blog. I hesitated in committing to another sleep method since none of the others worked. Since her site was reasonable, I signed up for the Members Area and read all the materials there. I also got email support from Nicole. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in one email with Nicole. She helped me tremendously and gave me the support I lacked from everyone else around me. My son is 8 months now and he sleeps wonderfully. The sleep deprived nights are a distant memory thanks to Nicole and her site!”
-Jessica, Long Beach, CA
“I was really struggling on deciding what path I should take to help my son Owen sleep better. As a new sleep deprived Mom I had no idea if I should let him cry it out or not and I had too much information to process, especially on limited sleep. I decided to purchase 2 of Nicole’s email consultations and I’m so glad I did. It was the extra support and understanding I needed to help me let my baby cry it out and give us what we both needed which was more rest. The best thing was that I learned that all babies have different personality’s and different needs and Nicole helps you understand what is best for your child. So now I don’t go around preaching about what worked for my son and everyone should do it. I instead go around preaching that everyone should go to the Baby Sleep Site and read the articles and gets Nicole’s help. Thank you so much!”
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“I’m so happy that I found Nicole. I have read multiple sleep books and talked to other moms, but they really did not help me with my difficult sleeper. Being able to e-mail Nicole about a specific problem and quickly getting a personalized answer has been wonderful for me. Besides being knowledgeable about infant and toddler sleep, she is very caring, understanding, friendly, and she really spends the time trying to answer my questions. I highly recommend her services.”
-Cindy, Florida
I already read and tried so many things“Our sincerest thanks to Nicole! Our 4 month old son was waking every 20 to 30 minutes for over three weeks. He was exhausted and so were we. We read books and tried many different things to improve his sleep quality. Feeling overwhelmed, and sleep-deprived, we contacted Nicole. In just one e-mail, she outlined the ways we could help him sleep better without letting him cry. Within three nights, he was sleeping 10 to 12 hours per night. He wakes only for feedings and goes right back to sleep. Nicole’s advice has improved our son’s sleep and he is a happier baby which provides us better time together as a family!”
-Ben and Lane, Alaska
“Hi Nicole,
I haven’t purchased any of your products and in a way I am sorry b/c I haven’t financially supported you but in another I’m glad that at this point I don’t need it. Somehow I’ve managed to read some of your blogs, navigate your website and get through the development hurdle that is going on at the time….but I do want to say one thing….THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your blogs, your newsletters and just your genuine and honest nature. I just read your blog “your baby won’t sleep and it’s your fault!” and I was so close to tears (good ones) when you said something along the lines of ‘it is your fault and it is b/c you are a loving mom/dad’. I just wanted to say thank you for not judging us moms and not making us feel like failures. I do have to say that I recommend your website to so many moms and friends of mine as the place to go to not feel judged and to get in touch with someone who will really put their interest and needs first.
Ok, I’m going to bed now…my son has been sleeping thru for the last few nights (again) and I want to make sure I take every chance I get to do the same….talk soon and once again…THANK YOU for helping so many of us that need your help and guidance!”
-Michelina, Ontario, Canada
“Your website has been the most helpful resource I have come across so far. If I had come across it earlier, I would have saved my self so much time and money researching the topic “baby sleep”. It was only after I had spent a countless amount of money on books and hours trawling through babycare websites that I found your site. Your information is clear, concise and straight to the point. I love that you include your own personal experience into it. Somehow it is very comforting knowing that you are not alone and that baby sleep is a common problem. There is so much information out there, I think that it is fantastic that you are willing to share the wealth of knowledge that you have accumulated. There are so many styles of parenting out there, I found that your advice is very level headed. It is clear that you love babies, but you understand how important it is that they learn to sleep properly. I personally ended up using the cry it out approach, and so far there has only been one occasion where he has cried for more than 10 minutes, I think it is true that the crying hurts the mother more than the baby. When you realise that it is necessary and that you are not being cruel or taking the easy way out, but providing your baby with the opportunity to learn an important life skill, it is very empowering. Thank you Nicole.”
-Kathryn, Melbourne, Australia
“My son John (name changed at the request of mom) was 9 month old when I signed up with Nicole. He was a very bad sleeper. He would immediately start crying when I put him in the crib for his nighttime sleep and would only sleep with me holding him or literally lying on top of me, still nursing. And would wake up every 1-2 hours. It was totally insane and I was always tired and cranky. I found Nicole totally by accident and decided to try her out after reading testimonials and her articles. I had tried using the Pantley method, but it did not work at all and I was too tired to try it again. Nicole told me about the importance of letting him fall asleep on his own, which was something I had never even thought about. We ended up using a cry-it-out method specifically designed for my son. At first, he cried a lot. And Nicole was there for me throughout the whole process. I had so many questions and she patiently answered each and every one. He was slowly learning and then he got sick so we put the training on hold for a couple of weeks. He had to learn all over again. He cried for about 40 minutes on the first night, and then 5-10 minutes and then 2-3 minutes. He wakes up once for one night feeding (he used to wake up 5-6 times at night) and then the morning feeding. It’s been a long and somewhat harrowing journey, but we all came through the journey better rested and more happy. Nicole has been more than my sleep consultant. She’s been my rock throughout the whole experience and I know that I can always turn to her for help, if ever needed in the future. For sleep deprived moms everywhere: Nicole can help you even if you feel hopeless and desperate. Thanks for everything, Nicole.
-Hugs from Sarah and John
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“You have been invaluable to me and have helped get my son to have “healthy” sleep habits. You really listen to the patterns and temperaments of the children and then give such great advice that goes along with different parenting styles (CIO, check and console, co-sleep etc)! I am so lucky to have you parenting alongside me. You are incredibly knowledgeable on this subject. Thank you!”
-Jess, Boston, MA
“Nicole has been my sleep savior at every age and stage so far. From newborn issues to setting a sleep schedule to eliminating naps to transitioning to a toddler bed. All of this was a breeze thanks to her! My sanity thanks you Nicole!”
-Adrienne, PA
“I’m blessed with one of those babies who thinks he’s allergic to sleep. I thought cry-it-out was my only option. Since I just couldn’t do that, I thought I had no choice but to live with minimum sleep. Thankfully, Nicole has been able to give me some suggestions as far as routine that have helped prolong his naps and nighttime sleep without having to leave him to cry. Her voice of knowledge and compassion has been a blessing to me.”
-Melissa, Sacramento, CA
“After co-sleeping with our baby for 12 months, enduring every other hour nursing sessions all night long, and co-sleeping for all naps, I was ready to move him to his own room to sleep in his crib. With little idea of how to make a smooth transition, I turned to Nicole for advice. I had heard many great things about her from friends, and I suspected her advice might make all the difference for us. Nicole laid all the options out for me. She was fabulous! She left no detail unmentioned. Once I decided on the route we’d take, I braced myself to stick it out. I knew it wouldn’t be easy to move our baby out of our bed. The first couple nights were tough emotionally, but not impossible. There was some crying, but I knew it was just baby protesting the change. Nicole not only gave me great advice, but she also was there to support me throughout the whole process. With my husband deployed, I needed all the support I could get! Just as Nicole promised, my baby began to sleep in his crib by himself and as a bonus he night weaned himself. In just three days, my baby was falling asleep without any crying and sleeping 12-13 hours a night in his crib. Two weeks later, as Nicole recommended, I started sleep training for naps. It took a bit longer than night sleep training, but I am proud to say that now, 6 months later, I have had the best sleep of my life. Without fail, my now toddler has slept an average of 13 hours a night and an average of 2 hours for naps every day in his crib! I will be forever grateful to Nicole for both her time and knowledge.
-Christy, Fort Gordon, GA
“I can write pages on how Nicole has helped me through my most desperate times as a mother. I believe that sleep is one of the toughest and most misunderstood facets of parenting. My baby was a co-sleeper, milk drinking machine till 8 months. She was rocked and breastfed till she would fall into deep slumber. Most nights she would cry even sleeping with me because she didn’t need milk, she needed sleep and I didn’t know how to give it to her.
At 8 months PP I started slipping into post partum depression because of sleep deprivation that had taken over me and her. And, her naps had diminished too. I had school and a full household and I got nothing done. I had tried Dr Sears and The No cry sleep solution by Pantley. I made logs for her sleep and everything worked for 2 days where I would get 2-3 2 hr stretches out of her, but she never slept through the night by 7 months of age. In my most desperate hours I would put her in the crib and yell at her, yell at myself (yes I want to erase all that but that is the reality of my parenthood) and the result of me trying to follow the most unnatural methods of trying to make her sleep by reading all those books only in effort to avoid letting her cry, where she was already crying anyways.
Nicole kept telling me that whenever I am ready she will help. It got to the point where it would take me 1-1.5 hr to put her down only to repeat that in 45 min to 1 hr again till I went to bed at night and took her with me. Finally, one night when she turned 8 months old, I left the room and she cried hard for 30 min and I cried sitting on the floor in the living room, wanting to just make it all go away and at 7:50 PM she stopped and woke up at 5 AM next morning when I fed her and she went back to sleep till 7 AM! It was 16 LOOOOONG nights where Nicole helped me countless times and I kept telling myself, I have nothing to fall back on b/c nothing else works and this works because after she is down she is down. Nicole answered every question, she was there through all these nights and I learned so much from her to the point where I have helped 2 other friends of mine who live close by and Nicole made me realize that I could only do it when I was ready, no half-hearted efforts.
Now my “baby” is 28 months old, an awesome sleeper, she is happy, she is bubbly, she is my world and I enjoy her so much. And, it’s all because I finally listened to what she needed. 🙂
I have another baby due in July 2008 and I am sure hoping I have learned my lesson. If not, Nicole is always here.
Thanks so much Nicole.”
-Najmi, OK
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
“I first posted a desperate plea for help in November, 2007. My son was 6 months old. He was waking every 2-3 hours at night and associated me patting his hiney with him going to sleep. Nicole replied to me the same day, and with her continued advice on schedules and overnight feeds, we now have a happy 10-month-old who sleeps through the night every night. Yippee! We had some bumps in the road with colds and such, but I feel that he’s been consistent enough over the last few weeks that nothing will throw him so horribly off course again. I stand firmly by our nap/sleep schedule. I don’t plan anything during naps, and my world revolves around sleep. Everyone is happier that way! I don’t think I would have made it through this without the support from Nicole. Only a truly sleep-deprived mommy understands the desperation that demands sleep training and CIO. Nicole has been there, done that!”
-Heather, PA
“I know I had heard it 1000 times over that being a mom is one of the hardest jobs on earth! Well, after 6 nieces and nephews, and years of babysitting, I thought “How hard can it be?” …. Wow, was I in for a rude awakening! Don’t get me wrong….My son is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I fall more in love with him everyday….But this mommy thing is no joke! One of the hardest things (as I’m sure most people say) was the sleeping or should I say “no sleeping” issue. I read every single baby “sleep” book under the sun to no avail. Thankfully I found a great place for support and Nicole and literally within 1-2 months, all of my problems were solved. Nicole not only answered all of my questions promptly, she also gave such great advice! To be honest, I owe my sanity to the great advice she gave! I was having a lot of problems with my son really starting around 5 months. He was still not sleeping through then night and he would fight and scream for every nap! Nicole gave me some brilliant advice and honestly, within 2-3 weeks of following it my son was going down for 2 naps a day without any crying and started sleeping through the night!”
-Bethany, IL
“You have been such a wealth of knowledge and support for me! My daughter learned to only fall asleep nursing. She was getting me up 2 times a night, then it was 3 then 4 then 5. That’s when I reached out for help. I had heard of sleep training, but couldn’t handle the agony of letting her cry. Within 3 nights she was sleeping through the night, a full 12 hour stretch. I thought I died and went to heaven being able to sleep again. Thank you so much for offering your time, experience and knowledge.”
-Jenny Z
“To be honest, it’s been so long since sleep has been an “issue” with Aidan! He’s almost two and a half and is still a great sleeper. He averages about 11 hours a night and between 2-3 hours in the afternoon. It wasn’t always that way, though. I was a first time mom, and with a husband that is away at work all week, I went through so many days like a zombie at the beginning. I, indeed, picked Nick’s brain and learned so much from her experience and advice. I have to say that the most important thing I learned was BE CONSISTENT!! We did CIO for no more than 15 minutes at a time (I do admit, though, that if he got hysterical, we nixed it for that night/nap) and picked up at the next one, although that didn’t happen too often.) My husband couldn’t believe how I was just ‘letting him cry’ at times, but now he’s so amazed at what a great sleeper he is. Consistency is so important in when you put them to sleep for bedtime and naps. We’ve sacrificed a lot due to having to leave family get-togethers and such early enough to get him home for nap or bedtime, but the payoff is worth it!! Sometimes, he’ll have a short nap or nap later than usual if something comes up, but we always make sure to compensate for an early bedtime and get back on track the next day. I work in the childcare field, and I often see the results of children with inconsistent, even nonexistent sleep schedules. It makes me sad because I know that, in some of those cases, if the parents had the kind of support I did, they might not have what seems to be a chronically overtired child.
I thank you, Nicole, for helping to teach me what might be one of the most important things I’ve taught my son – how to sleep. He is a wonderfully happy, good spirited child, and I’m positive that you’re part of the reason for that. Thank you thank you thank you!
-Alana & Aidan, Quebec, Canada
“My son was a bad sleeper from day one! He never fell asleep on his own and woke up often. By 8 months, we were both exhausted!! I didn’t want to blindly do cry it out without a game plan. Nicole helped me coordinate a game plan that worked well. We made sure he wasn’t overtired and then helped him learn to fall asleep unassisted. I got my life back again! Now, he is 3 and an EXCELLENT SLEEPER! He sleeps 10-11 (8pm-7am) hours a night and has a 2 hour nap. He loves his room and going to sleep is a happy time now! Thanks Nicole!!!!”
-Charu, Texas
Ready to have your own success story? Take the first step – get personalized sleep help today!
Dear Nicole,
I am sure that you get emails like this all the time, but I hope you will enjoy this one nonetheless, because you deserve it.
Thank you, thank you for creating such a wonderful website and for your warm and kind voice, which is a pleasure to read. We have two children, aged almost-3 and almost-3 months, a girl and a boy. They both sleep so well (touch wood) that it often amazes people when they see them. They rarely make a fuss and when they do, we know where we can turn for non-judgemental advice.
Although we have not needed to use your paid services, we are so grateful for your excellent free resources on your site that you generously provide. It is true that they are pretty easy-going and we are all ‘hares’ (I loved your articles about temperament and about the hare/tortoises), which made it easier. You have given us the knowledge, reassurance and solutions when we were the most sleep deprived and utterly lost.
I recommend your website to anyone who will listen and have done so for the last 3 years. I work with children, so I end up telling a lot of parents about you. I hope they find answers from you like we have, and I truly wish you and your family the very best of luck for the future.
Kind Regards, and much love, from –
Jody, Rory, Ally and Tom
“I am a first-time mom, and boy was I surprised to learn that my daughter didn’t just fall asleep when she was tired. We had a lot of challenges getting her to fall asleep, then staying asleep. For the first 6 months, she rarely napped for more than 20 minutes during the day. She was always overtired, and I felt like I could never go anywhere because I had to be home all day for her naps. At night it would take about three hours to get her to bed. She would nurse, fall asleep, then we would put her in her crib, only for her to wake up and cry. So it would start all over again. She would even be crying while nursing or sucking our thumbs (she would never take a pacifier).
At 7 months we had had enough. We knew she wasn’t getting enough sleep and we didn’t want it to take a toll on her health. Our doctor said that she would always get enough sleep, that she would just sleep in her stroller or the car. Well, she never did that! She didn’t want to be rocked and we didn’t have a swing. The bouncy seat didn’t work. She had stopped falling asleep in the bjorn at about 4 months. So, with Nicole’s guidance, we worked on getting her to fall asleep unassisted. I could not have done any of this without Nicole’s help. I cannot say enough nice things about her! Her older son is one year older than my daughter and they have a lot in common, so she was able to share with me what she did to help him. Nothing beats the advice from a mom who’s been through it before!”
-Sarah, MA
“Getting my 17-month old well rested and sleeping properly has not always been easy, but Nicole has been a huge help to me. She has been giving me advice since he was about 6 months old and I truly believe that it’s thanks to her that he has become a better sleeper. I have learned so much from Nicole. For instance, I’ve learned about the importance of a schedule, consistency, early bedtime, and so much more. Thank you Nicole for all your advice and dedication. I know I can always count on you!”
-Juliana (Chicago, IL)
“When Abigail was 4 months old her sleeping at night was awful. She was constantly waking, every hour some nights, and constantly needing to be nursed and rocked back to sleep. Since she was so little we thought there was nothing we could do. We had her on a consistent sleep routine and good bedtime (6pm) but our problem was her not being able to soothe herself back to sleep. She needed me to do it for her. I consulted with our pediatrician and she suggested I try the CIO technique with checks. I was not real familiar with this so I consulted with Nicole. She gave me all the information I needed. She explained why Abby was having trouble and to stick with our early bedtime even though everyone told us it was too early. Nicole told us how often to go in and how to handle it when we went in, We have a video monitor so we were able to monitor Abby in between the checks and be sure she was okay (and she always was!). The first night was awful. She was up most of the night, crying for up to an hour with the checks. The second night, she slept for over 12 hours straight!!!! The third night she woke once or twice, nursed once and went back to sleep. Using this same technique a week or two later and more advice from Nicole, I was able to get Abigail nap trained in less than one week. We have had a couple of “relapses”, but overall Abigail does great! She is 8 months old now and sleeps from 7pm to 6 or 6:30am every morning with almost no night wakings. If she does wake it is usually for just a second and off to bed she goes. I sleep 8 hours most nights. It is wonderful! She is a much happier baby now and loves her sleep! The support I received from Nicole was wonderful. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!”