Toddler Sleep Secrets, a FREE e-Book by The Baby Sleep Site®

To receive Toddler (tear-free) Sleep Secrets: Getting Started, our FREE and instantly download-able e-Book in standard PDF and e-reader format, as well as a blank sample sleep plan, simply enter your name and e-mail below to join our mailing list (unsubscribe any time). No obligation. It’s that easy! In this e-Book, you will learn 5 (tear-free) ways you can help your toddler stop night waking, sleep through the night, sleep in their own bed on their own, transition to one nap, and nap longer!
FREE Guide:
Toddler Sleep Secrets

Join over 450,000 parents around the world & sign up today to receive the guide and our Baby Sleep Newsletter absolutely FREE!
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I am a mother who nursed my daughter on demand until she was 14 months old. She also co-slept with my husband and I. She was the type of child who would wake as many as 15 times per night and need to find and touch me to fall back asleep. We were not interested in the ‘cry-it-out’ method. At the end of our stings, we were lucky enough to find [The Baby Sleep Site] and get a customized sleep plan from Nicole. Let me say this…after 9 days, my daughter is sleeping ALONE in her crib the ENTIRE night without assistance. It only takes me 5-8 minutes to put her to sleep and she sleeps for 10-11 hours! I am so thankful for your kind support. You made both my husband and I feel understood and welcomed to ask any and all questions. Without you….ugh, let’s not think about where we would be! Thanks again, your help was unbelievable!
– Wendy & Brian M., Burlington, VT
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. All toddlers are unique and there is no silver bullet (we wish there was!). Some parents go on to need more help than the free guide provides, but you are under NO obligation to purchase additional materials or services. This e-Book is a good start to solving your toddler’s sleep problems and there is no cost involved to give it a try.
Just when you figure out solutions to your baby’s sleep problems, she becomes a toddler with all new sleep problems and, very often, she still has some old ones, too! The same strategies that may have worked as a baby (or didn’t), may not work now that she is a toddler or getting out of bed. Common trouble spots are transitioning to one nap, getting your toddler to sleep later in the morning, “needing” you to sit with her while she falls asleep, night wakings (still!), insomnia, transitioning from co-sleeping or crib to bed, night terrors, and nightmares, just to name a few. Not all children outgrow their sleep problems. Good sleep is a key component of your toddler’s development, behavior, happy children, and happy parents. Let’s face it: cranky toddlers mean cranky parents, and cranky parents can quickly turn entire households upside down.

Nicole Johnson, Author/Founder
Where Can You Turn for Help?
When sleep problems or lack of a predictable routine or sleep schedule affects your family, authors, psychologists, pediatricians, and well-meaning friends are all likely to weigh in with the rights and wrongs of getting your baby back on track to restful, consistent sleep. Much of this information is founded in sleep science, some of it is based on traditional wives tales, and the rest is usually packed into 200-page books that will take weeks of dedicated reading. Unfortunately, all this advice can quickly stack up to make your bleary-eyed days even more difficult to face.
Toddler Sleep Secrets: Getting Started, a new e-Book released through the childhood sleep experts from The Baby Sleep Site™, is a quick and easy solution for parents looking to bring a little more sleep (and a little less crankiness) into their lives. You’ll learn how to develop a sleep routine, curb your unrealistic sleep expectations, tips to transition to one nap, and appropriate responses to a variety of reasons for night-waking by your toddler. It takes the best of the information contained in books, scientific studies, online forums, and experience and transforms it into one short e-book that you can read in a single sitting.
Toddler Sleep Secrets: Getting Started offers the tips you need to make important changes, but it also respects the unique ways in which you want your children to be raised.
For busy parents seeking some much-needed tips on how to get their toddlers to nap better by day, sleep better at night, and stay on an age-appropriate schedule, access to this kind of streamlined information is the first step toward great results. At the same time, you don’t want a cookie-cutter approach to sleep patterns, since no two children act – or sleep – the same way. Toddler Sleep Secrets: Getting Started offers the tips you need to make important changes, but it also respects the unique ways in which you want your children to be raised.
How to Get Your Free Toddler Sleep Report
Everyone deserves to enjoy a toddler who sleeps well – especially parents who are rapidly reaching the end of their ropes. Sign up for The Baby Sleep Site™’s mailing list down below, and you will get instant access to this free downloadable pdf report. As part of The Baby Sleep Site™ community, you’ll receive updates, special offers, and announcements. You will also have access to the regularly updated articles on The Baby Sleep Site™ blog.
Because your peace of mind is what getting your baby to nap well during the day is all about, your contact information will be kept confidential and will never be sold or shared to outside parties.

Get Started Today!
It’s never too soon – or too late – to learn more about your child’s sleeping habits and what steps you can take to promote sleeping better. The information you learn right now can be put to work as early as your toddler’s next nap or bed time.
We want you to succeed and start getting the rest you all deserve.
To receive Toddler Sleep Secrets: Getting Started, our FREE and instantly download-able e-Book, as well as a blank sample sleep plan, simply enter your name and e-mail below to join our mailing list (unsubscribe any time). No obligation. It’s that easy!
FREE Guide:
Toddler Sleep Secrets

Join over 450,000 parents around the world & sign up today to receive the guide and our Baby Sleep Newsletter absolutely FREE!
Privacy Policy: We will NEVER share your information with third parties!
I read numerous books, talked with many people including his pediatrician but no one could help me.

When I met Nicole my son was 16 months old. I tried to have my son “cry it out” 3 different times. It just wasn’t working! He was an extremely colicky baby and had a lot of health issues so I held him all the time. He would only nap with me holding him and would start off in his crib at night but would wake up about 6 or 7 times before midnight. I read numerous books, talked with many people including his pediatrician but no one could help me. I was at my wits end and it was affecting all aspects of my life. My husband found Nicole. She has changed our lives! She created a plan that started working within 2 days. She knew exactly what I was going through. All those months I felt so alone but not after working with Nicole. She was in tuned with me and my son. I learned so much from her not only about sleep habits but also temperaments. I started to realize my son is a spirited boy but I didn’t know how much that affected his sleep.
I needed a different approach and Nicole developed it to a tee! I can’t begin to tell you how grateful my husband and I are for her! My son transitioned to 1 nap (in the crib) and sleeps 12 hours at night (in the crib). He wakes up occasionally but soothes himself back to sleep. He even wakes up happy now not crying! I feel much better knowing I can contact Nicole for advice for years to come. Her sleep consulting packages are very affordable and her website has so much good information. She has a wealth of knowledge and is willing to share it. We can’t thank you enough Nicole! You are such a blessing!
– Emily, Rancho Cordova, CA