From Catnapper and Night-Waker to Champ Sleeper! Read Christel’s Story.


You may know already that The Baby Sleep Site® has worked with tens of thousands of families worldwide on sleep – but sometimes, it’s nice to put actual faces to those numbers. It’s nice to hear about real families, just like yours, who struggled through the same sleep challenges you’re facing, and who found the sleep help they needed.

And that’s just what we’re doing this month! Each week for the next 3 weeks, we’ll be spotlighting a Baby Sleep Site® family – a family who, just like yours, was struggling through awful sleep deprivation and trying in vain to help their children sleep. You’ll learn why they contacted The Baby Sleep Site®, how our team walked them through the sleep coaching process, and how they finally solved their children’s sleep challenges.

Today, you’ll meet Christel, a mom who had a 4-month old waking 5-8 times a night, co-sleeping only out of necessity, and would only nap for 20-30 minutes at a time. You’ll meet Yeyin, a beautiful mom of a beautiful daughter who was exhausted beyond measure when she came to us for help. She had tried everything – everything – she could think of to help little Haera sleep, including turning to a local sleep consultant, but nothing worked. And, you’ll meet Joanie, who had read everything and was on “information overload” trying to help her baby sleep and stop waking 3-4 times a night. Her husband even switched work shifts to try to help manage!

Keep reading to hear these moms’ amazing stories!

Meet Christel and Gino, and Read Their Story!

Christel and Gino are devoted and loving parents who thought they had hit the parenting jackpot when their sweet little boy started sleeping through the night with only one feeding at just 9 weeks.

But when the 4 month regression hit HARD, and he began waking 5 to 8 times every night, sometimes every 30 minutes, it was like the ground was collapsing below them. Read on to find out how Christel and Gino were able to get their son’s sleep back on track and enjoy parenting again!

Before Christel and Gino found The baby Sleep Site, their son was waking several times a night and the sleep deprivation was taking its toll.

Christel: “The only way to get him back to sleep would be to nurse him or bounce him on an exercise ball. In addition to that, he would only nap for 20-30 minutes at a time and he always seemed tired. Once he turned 7 months old, I knew we couldn’t keep going on like that. I was physically incapable of bouncing a 20-pound baby on an exercise ball at 2 AM and I wasn’t getting any sleep as a human pacifier. We were severely sleep deprived and I was only operating at 30% of my capacity.”

They researched many sleep books on their own, but the process felt confusing and overwhelming and things seemed to end up in analysis paralysis a lot. Gino was starting to dread nighttime and worried about how they would be able to make things better.

Gino: “We were in desperation mode. My wife had read all the books and all the blogs and we just couldn’t figure out how to get our little boy to sleep.”

Like many parents, Christel and Gino thought they had to be able to fix this themselves.

Gino: “We tried a few different approaches on our own without success and I was becoming more discouraged as the days passed. After a particularly rough night, I went online and purchased the 30 day unlimited plan on The Baby Sleep Site after perusing the site for several weeks.”

But Gino wasn’t convinced, and thought that signing up for online help would just add to the sea of information and confuse them even more.

Gino: “Wrong- it was a miracle. The support and guidance that Amy provided was awesome. She treated us more like a friend in need than anything. She let us vent and constantly email her question upon question. She answered them all and never made us feel like we were pestering her, and trust me, we were.”

Having a solid plan and a source of support along the journey made the difference.

Christel: “The Personalized Sleep Plan truly is just that-personalized. It takes into account individual parenting styles and they recognize that there is no one size fits all approach. I cannot say enough great things about Amy and the team at The Baby Sleep Site. Nicole even stepped in and corresponded with me while Amy was out of the office. The ladies are simply phenomenal. I told Amy she was my ‘sleep therapist!’ 🙂 I really needed someone to hold my hand when I had a rough day or cheer me on when we had a great night and that is exactly what she did. She was so patient, understanding and compassionate.”

Gino was thankful for all the support and couldn’t believe the dramatic change in his son’s sleeping patterns.

Gino: “Amy made us feel like we were all a team with one common goal. To our amazement, in just a few short days we saw significant improvement and over the following few weeks I swear it was smooth sailing.”

Like an extension of their “village,” Amy was there to guide them every step of the way.

Christel: “We certainly had some ups and downs along the way but I am thrilled to report that my son is now sleeping through the night most nights and taking two solid naps a day lasting 1-2 hours. It truly is a miracle!”

What seemed impossible just weeks before had become a reality.


Christel: “We went from co-sleeping to having a baby that goes to sleep easily in his own crib and in his own room. Some days I even have to wake him up from his naps! And that dreadful exercise ball has officially been deflated and stored away!”

Christel and Gino are now able to enjoy their beautiful son and life as parents to the fullest!

Gino: “We seriously got our life back. No joke. It felt so amazing to have our boy finally get some good rest and for us to be able to have some free time and quality time together. The whole thing felt like a miracle. For all of you dads out there considering this- do it, hands down. Your life will be better, trust me. Happy baby, happy wife, happy life! :)”

WOW – just wow. Christel and Gino started out skeptics and became believers. Sleep consultants really can help many different types of families and don’t shy away from a challenge. And, they will do it in a supportive, non-judgmental way that leaves you feeling encouraged and empowered instead of defeated and abandoned. And as this story shows, it’s not an overstatement to call a consultation with The Baby Sleep Site® life-changing. In Christel and Gino’s case, it absolutely changed their lives. A consultation with a Baby Sleep Site consultant really is an investment – in your baby’s (and your) health, in your sanity, in your relationship with your partner, in your overall quality of life…this is more than just a purchase. It’s an investment in your family. And we hope it’s an investment you’ll consider making today!

Take the first step on your own journey to better sleep today: connect with an expert consultant right now!

All content of The Baby Sleep Site®, such as articles, e-guides, e-Books, advice, evaluative consultations, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on The Baby Sleep Site® (“Content”) are for informational and supportive purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always, always, always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your or your child’s medical condition(s), behaviors, feeding and sleeping habits, and environment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on The Baby Sleep Site®.

The Baby Sleep Site® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other product affiliate programs. If you click on a product link and make a purchase, The Baby Sleep Site® may (but not always) receive a small commission from the company selling the product, but will not affect your purchase price. We only recommend products that we believe are quality products and are good for our readers.

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