How Much Should Your Baby Eat By Month – A Guide by The Baby Sleep Site®

How Much Should Your Baby Eat By Month - A Guide by The Baby Sleep Site

Hungry babies can’t sleep! How much should a 3 month old eat? How much should a 6 month old eat? No matter whether your baby is 4 months or 9 months, proper nutrition makes a healthier and happier baby. It also promotes a good night’s sleep and longer naps which is always welcome in this village! In my work as a sleep consultant for 15+ years, sometimes all I’ve done is adjust a baby’s feeding schedule and improved sleep so it can be an important aspect to better sleep. Use this guide to help you figure out how much your baby needs to eat by month.

Important Notes:

  • Feeding Frequency” is timed from the beginning of one feeding to the beginning of the next feeding. Newborns take longer to feed than older babies so it will make a bigger difference to newborn babies.
  • Babies are very good at self-moderation and will usually tell you if/when they need more.
  • Do not withhold feedings from the baby for fear of them “overeating.” Yes, they might spit up but they don’t overeat in the same sense of adults over-indulging. Babies will start to learn how much they should eat in one sitting with practice and experience.
  • Your baby is unique and, by definition, some babies will fall above or below averages. Your baby’s weight gain and staying on their growth curve are the best indicators that your baby is eating enough.
  • This is not meant to be medical advice and you should always consult your baby’s pediatrician should you have questions or concerns about your unique baby.
  • You might want to bookmark this page so you can come back to it month after month

How Much Should Newborns Eat?

Newborns eat, poop, and sleep almost around the clock in the early days. Newborn babies should eat on demand every 1-2 hours at least until they regain their birth weight. However, during growth spurts, they often eat more frequently. Here are the average amounts for newborns:

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
0-4 weeksevery ~1.5-2 hours on-demand20-45 minutes~2-3 ounces / 60-90 ml~2-4 ounces / 60-120 mlNone

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How Much Should a 1 Month Old Eat?

1 month olds should eat on-demand every 2-3 hours around the clock, usually. However, babies with reflux often eat smaller, more frequent meals so if your 1 month old is spitting up quite a bit, you might need to offer smaller feedings.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
5-8 weeksevery 2-3 hours on-demand~20-30 minutes~2-4 ounces / 60-120 ml~4 ounces / 120 mlNone

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How Much Should a 2 Month Old Eat?

2 month olds often eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Some babies this age, however, graduate to eating every 4 hours. Parents who try to follow 12 Hours By 12 Weeks encourage this. It is said that babies who eat every 4 hours during the day will often sleep through the night earlier. Keep in mind, though, that we find this works more often for formula-fed babies. Most breastfed babies, in our experience, tend to eat every 3 hours, and sleeping through the night (for 11-12 hours, I mean) too early can negatively impact a mom’s milk supply.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
9-12 weeksevery 2-4 hours~10-20 minutes3-4 ounces / 90-120 ml, incl 2-3 at night4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 2 at nightNone

Average Total Per Day: 5-8 breastfeeding sessions, 20-25 ounces of breastmilk, or 20-30 oz of formula.

Please Note: If your baby is eating every 4 hours, it’s very likely their feedings will be larger. Breastfeeding babies eat 2-3 times at night while formula-fed babies eat 1-2 times at night, on average, at this age.

During a growth spurt, your baby might eat more frequently and your 2 month old might sleep a lot!

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How Much Should a 3 Month Old Eat?

3 month old babies should eat every 3-4 hours though there are a few babies, especially those with reflux, who still eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours during the day. Keep in mind the more total ounces they consume during the day, the less they need at night. There are some babies who do best eating more frequently during the day so they can sleep in longer stretches at night.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
13-16 weeksevery 2-4 hours5-20 minutes3-4 ounces / 90-120 ml, incl 2-3 at night4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 0-2 at nightNone

Average Total Per Day: 5-8 breastfeeding sessions, 20-30 ounces of breastmilk, or 20-30 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 4 Month Old Eat?

4 month old babies should eat every 3-4 hours but, again, some babies still eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours if they take smaller feedings. This is not abnormal though it’s not as common in my 15+ years of experience as a sleep consultant. Of course, my son was one who still ate every 2 to 2 1/2 hours at this age. He did not take big feedings and that was just his preference. Here is how much your 4 month old should be eating:

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
17-20 weeksevery 2 1/2-4 hours5-20 minutes3-4 ounces / 90-120 ml, incl 2 at night4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 0-2 at nightNone

Average Total Per Day: 5-8 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 20-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 5 Month Old Eat?

A 5 month old should eat every 3-4 hours during the day, including 1-2 times at night. Again, breastfeeding babies tend to feed more frequently and bottles tend to be smaller since breast milk is more concentrated than formula.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
5 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-20 minutes3-4 ounces / 90-120 ml, incl 1-2 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 ml, incl 0-1 at nightNone

Average Total Per Day: 5-8 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 6 Month Old Eat?

6 month old babies drink milk every 3-4 hours and typically eat one solid meal a day if you’ve started solids. It’s important to note that starting solid food should NOT decrease milk intake during the day. If it does, you are likely offering too much solid food. Babies are good at moderating not to eat too much but solid food can leave them full too long to fit in all their milk feedings. The problem is fruits and vegetables aren’t high enough in calories and/or fat.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
6 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-20 minutes4-5 ounces / 120-150 ml, incl 1-2 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 ml, none at night*Up to 1-2 tablespoons each of baby cereal, fruit, and vegetables a day

Average Total Per Day: 5-6 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

* Please Note: Some formula-fed babies (especially those with reflux) still eat at night at this age but the majority of formula-fed babies can be night-weaned. If you are breastfeeding and considering supplementing with formula to help your baby sleep better, be cautious, and read our article Will Supplementing or Switching to Formula Help Your Breastfeeding Baby Sleep?.

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How Much Should a 7 Month Old Eat?

Your 7 month old is likely drinking milk every 3-4 hours during the day and eating one solid meal a day. Similar to 6 month olds, it’s important to note not to overdo it with solid food or your baby might start waking up at night again for a milk feeding they might have missed during the day.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
7 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-20 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 1-2 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 ml, none at nightUp to 1-2 tablespoons each of baby cereal, fruit, vegetables, and dairy a day

Average Total Per Day: 5-7 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should an 8 Month Old Eat?

8 month olds are on the move and start becoming mobile! This can make it much harder for them to stop long enough to feed well throughout the day. We sometimes see a nighttime feeding creep back for that reason. Be cautious about allowing too much night feedings. Take the baby into a less interesting room or find a way to occupy them while they are feeding to encourage full feedings during the day as much as possible. 8 month olds should still be drinking milk every 3-4 hours and eat 2 solid meals a day.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
8 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-20 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 0-1 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 mlUp to 2-3 servings each of baby cereal, fruit, vegetables, and one serving of dairy and protein a day

Average Total Per Day: 5-6 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 9 Month Old Eat?

Just like 8 month olds, 9 month old babies are often moving around a lot and some don’t tolerate being in their highchair multiple times a day. These are common frustrations for parents. Your baby should be getting milk every 3-4 hours plus 2-3 solid meals. Not every baby this age will eat solids three times a day. Again, it’s easy to overdo it with solid food and then find your baby is waking at night for a milk feeding they missed during the day. Fruits and veggies are very good for us but until your baby is eating more protein, too much solid food can make sleep worse at night.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
9 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-20 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 0-1 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 mlSee Solid Food Chart

Average Total Per Day: 3-5 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 10 Month Old Eat?

10 month olds tend to start getting much more regular at sleeping through the night if they haven’t already. At this age, they are getting past their last sleep regression and eating a good number of calories during the day. 10 month olds drink milk 3-4 times a day and eat 3 solid meals. Some babies this age are also getting one snack, too. Now is a good time to focus on foods that promote better sleep too!

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods
10 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-15 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml, incl 0-1 at night6-7 ounces /180-210 ml

Average Total Per Day: 3-4 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 11 Month Old Eat?

Your 11 month old should still drink milk 3-4 times a day, eat 3 solid meals a day, plus 1-3 snacks depending on their appetite and the size of their meals. Just like adults, some children like fewer, larger meals while others eat more frequent, smaller meals. To encourage sleeping through the night, we want to follow a schedule that will maximize caloric intake. If your baby’s stomach only holds so much food, making them wait longer between meals doesn’t work as well since they won’t eat more in total during the day. We want to balance the time between meals with when they will eat the most.

AgeFeeding FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods# of Night Feedings
11 monthsevery 3-4 hours5-15 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml6-7 ounces /180-210 mlSee Solid Food Chart0

Average Total Per Day: 3-4 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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How Much Should a 12 Month Old Eat?

A 12 month old will begin to eat more solid food and after 12 months old, we start to see milk become a beverage with a meal rather than a separate event. Of course, you don’t have to rush this if your toddler isn’t very interested in solid food. However, keep in mind that some children aren’t as interested in solid food until milk isn’t their primary source of nutrition. Some parents begin to re-balance the amount of solid food versus milk around this age. At 12 months old, toddlers will drink milk 3-4 times a day, eat 3 solid meals, and 1-3 snacks. In my experience, the amount of snacking varies based on whether your toddler eats a large meal or splits their intake among smaller meals.

AgeMilk FrequencyAvg Length of Breastfeeding SessionsAvg Size Bottle of BreastmilkAvg Size Bottle of FormulaSolid Foods# of Night Feedings
12 monthsevery 3-5 hours5-15 minutes4-6 ounces / 120-180 ml6-7 ounces /180-210 mlSee Solid Food Chart0

Average Total Per Day: 3-4 breastfeeding sessions, 20-35 ounces of breastmilk, or 24-32 oz of formula.

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This post was meant to guide you so you can feel more confident in how much your baby is eating. If you have any questions, we’re happy to help! Contact us at any time!

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