Why We Chose a Montessori Style Bedroom For Our Toddlers
Check out this great guest post from Oh Happy Play about why they chose a Montessori bed for their toddlers!
Check out this great guest post from Oh Happy Play about why they chose a Montessori bed for their toddlers!
Toddler sleep is tough enough. Add in early rising on top of nighttime waking and short naps? That is a problem indeed! Early waking can be a particularly tough problem to tackle with toddlers, since they’re so much more mobile and (and often more strong-willed) than babies. While an early-rising baby will cry, an early-rising …
Did you know I have a toddler at home? I do – she’s a beautiful, smart, funny little 2.5 year old. She’s amazing, and I adore her with every ounce of my being. Did you know that I have a toddler at home? I do – she’s a stubborn, defiant, strong-willed little tyrant. She’s exhausting, …
Toddlers and preschoolers may have a hard time adjusting to a new baby at home. Learn tips and resources to help prepare your child for the sweet new arrival!
Let’s be honest for a moment. Our toddlers are cute — no doubt about that! But sometimes, their behavior is…well…weird. Picking their noses in public? Drinking the bathwater? Insisting on being naked at all times? Throwing tantrums over the color of their socks? Yeah…toddlers can be strange little people sometimes! And speaking of strange — …
When do kids stop napping? Learn 3 signs that your toddler is ready to stop napping and how to transition to “rest time.”
One of the toughest things about raising a toddler has got to be, without a doubt, the tantrums. Few things can make a parent’s blood pressure rise like a full-blown, ear-splitting, kicking-and-screaming tantrum. And a tantrum that happens in public? Like in the middle of Target on the Saturday before Christmas, when what seems like …
As a parent, you’ve probably had some experience with your baby or toddler waking in the middle of the night. And if you’ve read many of our Baby Sleep Site® blog articles or free guides, you’ve likely learned a lot about what can cause night waking: sleep associations, hunger, teething, illness, schedule problems, etc. Here’s …
Toddlers and preschoolers can experience difficulty going to sleep when watching TV within 30 minutes of bedtime. Read more here!
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