Your 4, 5, or 6 month old baby’s sleep is undergoing some big changes during this stage! You’re finally past the constant waking and eating of the newborn stage, and you can look forward to a more predictable daytime schedule as well. However, if you’re still dealing with lots of night waking or with short naps, don’t worry. These are very common problems at this stage. Today, we’re happy to share our comprehensive 4, 5, and 6 month old baby sleep guide!
Your 4, 5, or 6 Month Old Baby’s Sleep: An Overview
By 4 months, your baby’s sleep patterns are beginning to change in a big way. Your baby’s sleep patterns are becoming more like yours! Your baby is also able to go longer between feedings by 4 or 5 months old. At around this time, many babies start having a longer stretch of sleep at night and feeding a little more often during the day. By 6 months old, your baby will likely be sleeping more at night and less during the day, while feeding more during the day and less at night.
Your 4 or 5 Month Old Baby’s Sleep: Watch Out For the 4 Month Sleep Regression!
Remember those changing sleep patterns I mentioned? That happen at around 4 months old or 5 months old? Well, those big changes cause even bigger sleep problems – namely, the 4 month old baby sleep regression! This one is a doozie! Many families report that their babies, who were sleeping pretty soundly, are suddenly up all night and missing naps left and right.
This article on the 4 month old sleep regression, and this 4 month sleep regression checklist, will give you the background info you need as well as tips to help you cope with this particular sleep regression.
Your 4 Month Old or 6 Month Old’s Sleep: Growth Spurts
There’s a growth spurt around 4 months old, and then another at the 6 month mark. While some families may not notice these growth spurts at all, others will! You may notice the telltale signs of a growth spurt at these ages! Look for a baby who seems extra hungry and extra sleepy.
This article about how baby growth spurts affect sleep is a helpful resource to get you through all your baby’s growth spurts.
Your 4 Month Old, 5 Month Old, or 6 Month Old Baby’s Sleep: Naps and Bedtime Help
Naps may still be erratic and on the short side for your 4 month old baby. This may still be true when your baby is 5 months old. By 6 months old, however, your baby may start to consolidate sleep periods and a sleep schedule might emerge. You will likely see distinct naps emerge too. You can also start working towards a more clock-based schedule for your 6 month old baby.
This printable baby and toddler nap chart is a great resource! This will help you determine the number of naps (and the ideal nap lengths) for your baby.
Bedtime should be on the early side for your 4, 5, or 6 month old baby. Early bedtimes tend to prevent overtiredness. This in turn can make it harder for your baby to sleep soundly.
This printable bedtime chart will help you identify your baby’s ideal bedtime.
Your 4 Month Old, 5 Month Old, or 6 Month Old’s Sleep: Daily Schedules
Your 4 month old or 5 month old baby’s schedule should allow for a relatively short wake time between naps. It should also allow for plenty of daytime feedings. Feeding often during the day is an important step to encouraging your baby to sleep through the night.
See a sample 4 month old baby schedule here.
See sample 5 month old baby schedules here.
Your 6 month old baby can achieve slightly longer wake times, and you should begin to see 3 distinct naps emerge. It’s best to keep the timing of these naps somewhat flexible at this age, although you can work towards starting a more regular, by-the-clock schedule at this age too. This is also the point at which many families are introducing solids. If so, you’ll want to be sure to work any solid feedings carefully into your schedule and time them up well around any milk feedings and around naps.
See sample 6 month old baby schedules here.
To create a customized nap schedule for your baby – one that accounts for your child’s age and usual morning wake-up time – use our custom baby and toddler schedule maker. Or, consider our VIP Members’ Area and use our members-only schedule maker – it includes feeding times!
Your 4 Month Old, 5 Month Old, or 6 Month Old Baby: What You Need To Know About Sleep Training

For starters, if you’re planning to sleep train your 4, 5, or 6 month old baby, you’ll want to download our free e-book, 5 Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night. This free e-book is available to download instantly. Start using the techniques in it tonight! So download now, and learn why your baby is waking at night – and what you can do about it.
Sleep training starts to become a very, very popular topic for our families once their babies reach about 4 months of age. Why? Because this is the point at which babies stop being newborns and start developing more grown-up sleeping patterns. This means it’s also the point at which you can start working towards self-soothing and independent sleep.
If you’re wondering how to get started with sleep training your 4, 5, or 6 month old baby, look no further – you’ve come to the right place!
Free Custom Baby Sleep Schedule Generator
Input your baby’s wake-up time and get a free custom schedule for the day!