5 Sleep-Friendly Crib Toys For Babies

Sleep-Friendly Crib Toys

With that in mind, here’s a list of 5 fantastic, sleep-friendly crib toys that will pull double-duty: they will entertain your baby as he winds down for sleep, or just after he wakes up, but they will not overstimulate him or interfere with naptime or nighttime sleep.

In past articles, we’ve established that crib toys don’t have to be bad for your baby’s sleep, provided they are ‘sleep-friendly’ toys. Remember, in general, sleep-friendly crib toys do not light up or make noise, and (with the exception of board books) should be relatively soft, and have rounded edges. (Of course, you know your baby best. If your baby does just fine with noisy, light-up toys in the crib, then carry on!)

5 Sleep-Friendly Crib Toys

Flensted Swallow Mobile


I love this elegant, understated Flensted Swallow mobile. Done up in muted colors, this mobile is as simple as it gets. It has no lights, no batteries, no sound. Very sleep-friendly! According to Amazon reviewers, the swallows are lightweight and stir in even the slightest breeze. So, if you run a fan in your baby’s room, that should provide just enough movement to interest your baby without overstimulating him.

Baby Elephant Teether

Peter Rabbit

This Elephant Teether is too cute. It’s an adorable elephant your baby will love, done up in a combination stuffed animal and teether toy! The soft, plush body makes a great lovey, while the teething ring is made of safe and soft silicone. It’s perfect for teething little ones! It’s available in other animals as well.

Crib Mirror


Often, a young baby’s favorite sight to behold is herself! And this Sassy Crib and Floor Mirror will allow her to do just that. The mirror can be attached to the side of the crib or propped up on the floor during tummy time. It comes with a few attached toys – a spinning black-and-white ball and a bee that can be rotated. For most babies, this will provide enough stimulation to hold their interest for a time without overstimulating them and making sleep difficult.

Fabric Books


I’m a bookworm, and I love for my kids to be surrounded by books at all times. That’s why I always loved to keep a few fabric books in their cribs. These two adorable choices – Who Do You See and Fuzzy Bee – make excellent crib additions. There are plenty of textures included here, to keep baby’s interest! The books themselves are cuddly and soft enough to make them very sleep-friendly crib toys.

Mommie’s Melodies Soother

Sleep Sheep

The ultimate sleep-friendly crib toy! The SwaddleMe Mommie’s Melodies Lamb is the only noise-making item on our list! That’s because it is sound activated AND the noises it makes are lullabies, nature sounds, and womb sounds, which can drown out other distracting noises and help baby relax and fall asleep. This cute little baby sheep is totally huggable. It includes 6 soothing sounds. It also allows you to secure it to the side of the crib, stroller, etc, ensuring that it doesn’t become a SIDS risk.

We hope that you agree and love our favorite crib toys!

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