How Long to Cry It Out (CIO)

How Long to Try Cry It Out

This topic “How long to cry it out?” has come up a few times in the last few weeks in one way or another, so I thought I’d talk about it today. I always preface any discussion about cry it out by making sure that everyone understands that I’m not a “Cry It Out Pusher.” …

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Will Cry-It-Out Change Your Baby / Child’s Personality?

Will Cry-It-Out Change Your Baby / Child's Personality?

I happened upon an article where a woman and husband were against cry-it-out. Specifically, The Ferber Method. They ended up doing it anyway because it was what worked. In that article, Confessions of a Ferberizer, she said that, in the end, her son stopped wanting to be rocked or cuddle. She did not seem to …

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10 Tips to Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep

10 Tips to Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep

When you bring your new baby home, no one tells you that “sleep like a baby” may not happen, or that if it does, it may only last a short time. This article will give you 10 great tips to help your newborn sleep better. Before I get to the 10 tips to help your …

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Newborn Sleep Patterns Guide + Free e-Book

Newborn Sleep Patterns Guide + Free e-Book

Newborn sleep patterns vary in the early days. This free guide will teach you about your newborn’s sleep patterns and how they will change.

FREE Guide: Five Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through the Night

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