6 Strategies for Sleep Training As A Working Parent

If sleep training is tough for work-at-home moms, then it’s even tougher for full-time working-outside-the-home moms. When you have to be up by 6 a.m. and out the door by 7:30 — and when you don’t get home until after 5 p.m. — there is very little room in your day to allow for the …

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Sleep Training Boot Camp, Part Six: Handling Sleep Setbacks

  New to Sleep Training Bootcamp? Check out our overview page to find out what Sleep Training Boot Camp is all about, and to catch up on past Boot Camp articles.   BOOT CAMP, PART SIX: Handling Sleep Setbacks   Boot Campers, you have come SO FAR! Can you believe we’re already at part six …

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Why Consistency Is So Important During Sleep Training

Why Consistency Is So Important During Sleep Training

Based on TONS of experience in working with parents over the years, we here at The Baby Sleep Site have found something to be true… When used with consistency, the right sleep training method can work wonders for a baby’s nighttime sleep problems, or a toddler’s persistent sleep issues. The two key words in that …

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How To Avoid Common ‘Babywise’ Pitfalls

5 Common ‘Babywise’ Pitfalls

So let’s just get it out in the open right away… We’re talking about the book On Becoming Babywise today and how to avoid common Babywise pitfalls . And if you’ve been a Baby Sleep Site® reader for any length of time, you know that’s bound to create some controversy. We’ve written about Babywise before, …

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Should You Let Your Baby Cry It Out?

Should You Let Your Baby Cry It Out?

When parents contact the Baby Sleep Site for the first time, they often say the same thing: “Are you going to tell me I have to let my baby cry? Because I can’t handle that!” No parent enjoys the sound of their baby wailing in distress. That’s why the cry-it-out methods advocated by Ferber, Weissbluth, …

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FREE Guide: Five Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through the Night

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