Should I Swaddle My Baby For Daytime Naps?

should you swaddle baby for naps

Swaddling your newborn baby can help them sleep better but should you swaddle your baby for daytime naps? As a sleep consultant for 15+ years, I get this question a lot and the answer might surprise you. Read on for more information about when you should swaddle your baby for naps. Why Swaddle Your Baby? …

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5 Nap Tips for Twins: From the Land of Nod

5 twin sleep tips

Sleep is huge for new parents of multiples. We all know the challenges of a new baby who is awake around the clock, but two at a time?! Let’s just set the coffee pot on continuous brew, shall we? Although sleep can be difficult for new twin parents, good sleep in your house is possible, …

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Baby Nap Chart: Learn How Long Baby Should Nap, and How Many Naps Baby Needs

We get nap questions really frequently from our clients – particularly these three questions: Well, we’re answering all of them in today’s article. How many naps your baby takes will depend on their age and unique development. All babies develop at their own unique rates. How long your baby’s naps are also depends on age, …

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3 Signs Your Baby or Toddler Nap Expectations Are Unreasonable

Are Your Baby or Toddler Nap Expectations Unreasonable

We all want our babies and toddlers to take long, restorative naps at regular times each day, right? Judging by how popular our nap articles are with all of you, I’m betting you answered ‘Yes!’ to that question! But here’s something to consider – are the expectations you have for your baby or toddler’s naps …

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The 3 Key Ingredients For Better Baby and Toddler Sleep

3 Key Ingredients For Better Baby and Toddler Sleep

I’m no baker-extraordinaire, but I’ve baked enough in my time to know a thing or two about recipes. And I know that when it comes to a recipe for a yummy baked good, there are things I can change and things I most definitely cannot. For instance, I always substitute unsweetened applesauce for half the …

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Does Your 6-Month Old Baby Need 2, 3, or 4 Naps?

How Many Naps Does Your 6-Month Old Baby Need?

Learn how many naps your 6-month-old baby needs per day. Plus, learn when common nap transitions occur, and how to handle these challenges.

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